FL: New security system will keep sex offenders out of Palm Beach County schools

WEST PALM BEACH (CBS12) – School will soon be back in session in Palm Beach County, and this year, new technology is offering an added layer of security.

Ashley Frost is a parent and a teacher in Greenacres and says “I feel responsible to keep them safe so having one more security system in place can’t hurt.” Full Article

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Well, this is kind of a disturbing article. It kind of vilify’s registered citizens! What if the parent coming in is a past gang member /from 20 years ago with a record? Or, what about a Superior Court Judge with a DUI conviction/there is one in OC. Or, what about a guy who is still on the registry, but was convicted of touching a masseuse more than 20 years ago? In summary, the maker of this system does an amazing job at scaring people! Very scary. What’s next? Show your ID before entering the mall? Hospital? Library? Dental Office? Sound far fetched? What’s next? Registered citizens banned from parks and beaches/already happened!

A “Panic Button”! panic is the calculated follow up to ignorance, fear and hate.

Good job at finding a way to avoid truth and make stupidity and fear reign supreme over constitutional rights. People should panic that a mental midget like Leon is beating his chest over this travesty.

Global warming will take care of Florida. With stories like this, one can’t help but wonder how ignorance and fear seem to be melting the polar ice caps accelerating the inevitable. Couldn’t happen to a better group of constitution shredders.

This is just another way to publicly shame people, it also places another major burden on parents that have a past but are trying very hard to turn their life around. Makes no common sense but most of the restrictions do not either. I guess if you have the time and can educate your own children do it. I would bet that most of the people implementing these rules have a skeleton in their own closet.

Raptor Technologies says it’s already stopped more than 15-thousand sex offenders from getting through the system across the nation, giving parents like Frost peace of mind as a parent and a teacher.

LOL, has anyone heard of someone on the registry ever going to a school just to molest children? Fear and money for this system is all this is about.

Panic button? What’s next? Malls? Alarm goes off when you enter a bank/shouldn’t we do background checks on customers? If your fico score is 620 or below, an alarm goes off? This is disturbing!

What if it’s a public pool? Library? Let’s ban people who need to study at the library? Beach? Scan them! Church? Bus? Plane? Train? Boat? Car dealer? What if? River bed? Hiking trail? Dog park? Freeway? Water park?