A website that “registers” and posts photos of government employees who work in the District of Columbia’s sex offender registration office is protected by the First Amendment, a D.C. Superior Court held in a February 14, 2014 memorandum opinion.
Dennis Sobin, a convicted sex offender, is required to register every three months with the D.C. Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA), and his picture is posted on the District’s sex offender registry. Sobin, 70, spent over ten years in prison for using a minor while filming a pornographic movie, though he is not your run-of-the-mill pornographer. Full Article
I like this guy Dennis Sobin; he’s very ballsy. The below paragraph is so sweet! And funny too! I find the earlier registries interesting. It’s said history repeats itself, and this appears to be true. It also appears that those conducting the Salem witch trials also prosecuted children too, just like our courts do today.
“But Sobin asserted that he was acting within his First Amendment rights. “If it’s not punishment to be on a list, we thought we’d put the people who do the registering on a list,” he stated – i.e., registering the registerers.”
The “guts” for a similar site already exist here… http://TransparentCalifornia.org
All one has to do is setup a front-end site that queries the database. It contains the salary and benefit history of every CDCR employee & beneficiary; every politician, judge, DA, and peace officer.
I’m disgusted at Mr. Sorbins’ sudden switch to push his perverse satire videos he just posted on his website. I watched one of them, and i could’t get through it. He’s pushing his “free speech” way too far. It is vulgar, and very pornographic.
I will be distancing myself and my work as far away from him and his work as possible from here on out. I will also drop support for anyone who supports him as well because i think he’s being absolutely reckless. Especially with that last situation where he was advocating how to “legally” avoid the registry, which would surely spell disaster for anyone who attempts to do what he talked about.
As far as his lawsuit goes, he did good. Beyond that, not so much.