Police: Wrong man arrested for grabbing child

RED BLUFF, Calif. – Red Bluff police said Friday they arrested the wrong man on February 5 for allegedly grabbing a 12-year-old’s hand.

Police said they believed it was ____ ____, 83, a registered sex offender. However, ____has an ankle monitor that proved he was not at the scene at the time. Full Article

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A stranger? Definitely an isolated incident, yet the police are yet again scaring the hell out of the dummies with children with the stranger danger myth instead of actually doing a little work to see if they can identify and capture the suspect.

This is yet more proof that the registry does nothing to keep kids safe and almost put an innocent man (considering his age) behind bars for the rest of his life. I think society’s thinker is broken!

I was going to make a post about one of the commenters on the KRCR page, but no matter how many times I wrote it, it violated the terms of posting a comment here.

I was also accused of a crime that didn’t happen. Luckily at the time, i was wearing my GPS tracking unit. That didn’t stop our former Sheriff from publishing the accusations made against me on the Sheriff’s’ Facebook page which prompted members of my local community to work to violently push me from my home.

Sadly, i was forced out of my home because i couldn’t protect myself. Having anything turned into a weapon was something that can get my parole revoked and because i was required to be at home at night 12 midnight to 6am, i couldn’t leave when things got bad. I had to wait for a sheriff’s deputy to come out, which became rarer as time went by because they didn’t want to help a person who as attacked by their boss (The sheriff).

But at least the GPS bracelet when it did work, proved i didn’t commit the crime.

Rather disgusting that the news site chose to post the man’s picture and name even though he had absolutely nothing to do with the incident. But can’t say that I’m surprised.

WOW! Read public comments of full article. The idiots in the general population wants to hang him by his balls…even though GPS proves he was never near this child…the general public idiots base their beliefs solely on his past transgression.

His debt to society is paid, but not in the court of public opinion.

Personally he ought to go after them legally for making a false arrest and causing him mental anguish. How tough would it have been for them to have checked his GPS before they made the arrest?

I sent the Newspaper an Email asking why they printed the guys name and photo since he was the victim. Everyone should do the same thing with a lot of these stories.
Make the reporter look less Qualified.

What troubles me is the lack of reasons given that made the police suspect the individual in the first place. What evidence led them to “believe” that he was the suspect? Was it a description given by the child? If so, how did the police obtain the description from the child? Perhaps with a picture of the individual?

The individual was wearing an ankle bracelet at the time of arrest. Why didn’t the police or DA contact check with the monitoring service before making the arrest? While detaining a suspect for a brief period in lieu of confirmation may be appropriate, how long did he actually spend in custody before this determination was made? Did they have other evidence that would have supported detention for all that time?

In addition, the paper chose to publish his picture after he had been released following the DA’s exoneration. Why? There is no good reason save for the sensationalism that accompanies anything to do with registered sex offenders. The individual did not do anything wrong, yet he is treated like an alleged suspect, again, after the fact. And the most troubling aspect? If this ididividual didn’t have an ankle bracelet, would the DA have been able to formulate a case that would have resulted in a conviction based on non-existing evidence? This is a chilling scenario that I would imagine needs followup.

I had actually constructed an email letter to send to the reporters, but I think I’ll try to contact them by telephone instead as this matter needs a bit more interaction. If indeed the Red Bluff police treated the individual with such a lackadaisical approach, the REAL culprit will never be caught, and doesn’t bode well for the citizens of Red Bluff, or anywhere there is a lack of fortitudinal policework.

I’m blown away with general public ablilty to understand paragraphs after reading the comments from Krcr.

I sent a letter to the woman who were listed above the article.

Latham was originally arrested for the violation and booked into the Tehama County Jail. However, the District Attorney’s office said they would not press charges because of the ankle monitor evidence.

This pathetic article is written like the police and DA did this guy a favor by letting him go. Another example of fine police work, public stupidity and piss poor reporting.