NC: Gap in N.C. law allows sex offenders near schools, day cares

On Sept. 1, a registered sex offender will be breaking the law if he continues to work at a car repair shop that sits within 300 feet of the Boys & Girls Club of Cumberland County and a day-care center.

A state law takes effect that day prohibiting sex offenders from being near places where children “frequently congregate” – including schools, parks, arcades and day care centers – when minors are present. Full Article

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A clear cut abuse of the justice system. This guy working in auto shop is the least likely person to have any contact with any kid that do not drive cars, let alone abusing such kid. At the same time staff members of the boys and girls club are sexually lusting at these kids. If, they want to protect children close down the club.

I have heard that this law is only for convictions on or after September 1 2016 and is NOT retroactive. Is this true?

“Mitchell said Wiggins – who came to the Observer’s attention because of a resident’s complaint – will be told about the law and its consequences before the deadline”

Now it’s a sad state of affairs when the media slash fearful resident collaborates with law enforcement to out a registered sex offender whose only crime is staying off the government dough by making a living at a car repair shop. I wonder if this resident complainer got stiffed by the repair shop. Disgruntled customer? You never know

“North Carolina has had a sex offender registry since Jan. 1, 1996. Sex offenders who commit heinous crimes, such as rape of a child, are required to remain on the registry for life. Lesser offenses had required offenders to be on the registry for 10 years. The LEGISLATURE AMENDED the law in 2006, requiring many offenders to remain on the registry for 30 years.

Lesson learned: Even states that are non tier non SORNA compliant can change the rules in the middle of the game if the state has a hostile legislature. Elections have consequences. I’m not crazy about SORNA but if NC had adopted it, those low level offenders would most likely gone from 10 to 15 instead of 10 to 30 years on the registry

“Among the five (plaintiffs) was a man convicted in 1995 of receiving material involving the sexual exploitation of a minor”

yet Sheriff Mitchell says,

“changes in the law are needed. He said he wants to see sex offenders who abuse children under age 13 treated more harshly than others.The ones who do deliberate acts and engage in deliberate forcible acts and deliberate sexual acts against minors have committed acts that are reprehensible, that should have both direct and collateral consequences,” Mitchell said, adding that people who commit those acts are most likely to be repeat offenders”

Now wait a minute Sheriff! One of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit never did the forcible & deliberate sexual acts you describe. The plaintiff was imprisoned for a NON CONTACT offense. So your rhetoric doesn’t match reality

“Mitchell and many others believe Beaty’s ruling goes too far. Among them is Sen. Buck Newton, a Wilson Republican who is running for district attorney”

So a federal judge went too far in interpreting the constitution correctly. You probably believe the same thing about the Michigan ruling too, Sheriff Mitchell. So now you’re aligning yourself with GOP Senator Buck Newton (yeeeee hah!!) who hopes to be DA of your backwater county
………nuff said

Do you really think that everyone that has been convicted of a sex crime is guilty? “Although defendant provided evidence to contradict testimony of c.l. and m.l., upon a motion to dismiss, such discrepancies must be resolved in favor of the state.” and thus ended my freedom for a crime that never happened. Only in N.C. could this kind of abuse of power be possible.

What none of these idiots understand, is all these laws were named after children who were MURDERED! that’s the real outrage.

Where’s the murderer registry?

Does anyone else have a problem with “Including but not limited to” of this law? what exactly does it mean? Seems like a loophole to be abused by law enforcement to me.