Jury selection begins for alleged sex offender killer

LAKEPORT — Jury selection is under way for the trial of a Lakeport man accused of killing another man nearly five years ago using information he received from California’s online Megan’s Law sex offender registry.

Ivan Garcia Oliver, 34, faces three felonies, including murder, in connection with the November 2007 stabbing death of Michael A. Dodele, 67, who was listed as a sex offender at the time. Full Article

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This is truly a terrible story. I also noted the trial about to begin for the man who murdered an innocent 79 year old man who was mistaken for a sex offender. I believe people need to become more aware that these aren’t isolated incidents. Many sex offenders have gotten on with their lives, married, have children and in some instances live with relatives. These laws are endangering not only the lives of the offenders, but the entire family. I truly hope people wake up and realize this is the internet age and this can’t go on for much longer.