Support for Tiered Registry Bill Growing

Support for the Tiered Registry Bill (SB 421) is growing both in the form of letters of support as well as a new co-author, Republican Senator Jeff Stone of San Diego.

“The growing support for the Tiered Registry Bill is evidence that it is time to stop the state’s lifetime registry for all,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “It is time for California to join 46 states in the nation through adoption of a tiered registry.”

Letters of support from law enforcement include letters from the CA Police Chiefs Association, the L.A. Deputy Sheriffs, the Riverside Sheriff’s Association, the CA College and University Police Chiefs Association and the L.A. County Professional Peace Officers Association. District attorneys who have formally supported the bill include L.A. District Attorney Jackie Lacey and Alameda District Attorney Nancy O’Malley.

Letters of support from non-profit organizations include letters from the Tiered Registry Bill include the Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL), the ACLU, Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, Root & Rebound and Equality California.

The Senate Public Safety Committee will consider the Tiered Registry Bill during its hearing on April 25. According to Senator Scott Wiener, the bill’s author and a Democrat from San Francisco, “California urgently needs a new registration system that focuses attention and resources on high risk and violent sex offenders.”
Los Angeles District Attorney stated in her letter, “California will greatly improve public safety by eliminating our current lifetime sex offender registration requirement.”

SB 421 Fact Sheet

Letters of Support

LA Law Enforcement Agencies SB 421 Support Letter
Nancy O’ Malley SB 421 Support Letter
SB 421 Senate Public Safety Analysis
SB 421 Support Police Chiefs

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I don’t want to speculate, but why did Sen Jeff Stone choose to become co-author and later vote against the bill?

If I had to guess, he co-authored the bill and this his constituents gave him hell for it and so he not only needed to abandon it, but had to speak out against it to save face. That’s how representative governments work and it is why it is important that our voices are heard, too.

Very few who are in a position of power to change the laws adversely affecting those on the registry, do so because they are empathetic with how our lives, and our families lives, are devastated way beyond the sentences imposed by the courts. It is those who zealously stand up for us using empirical evidence and the Constitution – instead of public sentiment – who have ultimately convinced the politicians, District Attorneys, law enforcement and many others, to acknowledge that the registry system is broken. The pendulum of public opinion has reached it’s apex and reality is replacing theoretical possibilities. We should all be grateful for what transpired today as it was a very good day! Thank you Janice and the whole team!