Nobody likes sex offenders. People aren’t very fond of drunk drivers, either. In fact persons convicted of DUI, DWI are thousands of times more likely to be involved in the same type of crime again, and kill or injure far more people including children and young adults each year than previously convicted sex offenders. But no matter how egregious the crime, both groups are entitled to the same rights under our Constitution. In particular, after they complete their punishment, they should be DONE and able to start over. If they offend again, then the punishment should be swift and more harsh. Their families, especially their children, should not be harassed and ostracize simply for living with a former offender. This is what we, as Americans, expect from our legal system and from each other. This satirical analogy is intended to show just how far from those expectations our government’s treatment of sex offenders has become. Hopefully you will agree that this “fake history” is absurd, unconstitutional, and would cause much more harm than good. Unfortunately, it has direct parallels to what has really been happening to sex offenders and their families.
If Drunk Drivers Were Treated like Sex Offenders… Full Article
If this op-ed weren’t spot-on true, it would be humorous. Unfortunately, those who need to read this op-ed and see the message, won’t.
It’s a ridiculous article. There is no hysteria over drunk drivers, and that same question could be asked about anything.
“If Republicans was treated like sex offenders…”
“If bible thumpers were treated like sex offenders…”
“If grocery shoppers were treated like sex offenders…”
Are there no Republican, drunk driving, bible thumping, grocery shopping sex offenders?
Server space is better utilized when people talk about it using real data that proves the opposite of what proponents of the registries claim.
“Nobody likes sex offenders”, because people don’t actually know what a sex offender is! Maybe if the Media didn’t just push propaganda that the one serial child molester represents the other 850,000 people on the registry, then maybe there would be a chance that sex offenders wouldn’t be looked at as horrific. There would actually be a chance to pass laws that HELP kids, not destroy families on the registry and take away constitutional rights! Anyone pushing the sex offender agenda is UN-AMERICAN. End of story.
I am glad to see this re-published from years ago, now also on this website. BTW, i notice Tiger Wood all over the news in the last day.. then vanished from news, for DUI in Florida. He’s NOT being treated like other drunk drivers and articles seem sympathetic in a way.