DOJ, FBI Executives Approved Running a Child Porn Site

The FBI decision to briefly run a large dark web child pornography site was done in close consultation with the Department of Justice, and was approved by executives from both agencies, according to a court transcript reviewed by Motherboard. Full Article

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EVERYONE who signed off on this and was involved in the operation should be charged with child porn. They have laws against possession, distribution, and conspiracy to do either of those. It’s time to hold the establishment accountable to their own laws.

So they further poisoned the water to catch a few people. I wonder how many more images and such are currently out there directly because they continued to run the site for nearly two weeks?

This should be passed on to Every media outlet. This disturbs me to the core. Wtf America?

….. And we are suppose to believe that it is just that one site they were/are running? That this country is on the up and up about anything is a mere facade.

So let me understand this. L. E. Can run and distribute child porn and have sax, rape or participate in an illegal action, but laws don’t pertain to them. 😂🤣😂🤣🤔😱😎🤣😂😎😎😂🤣

They (maybe even the DA’s office) are going to put a spin on this making it sound indisputably okay and righteous Or Non Prosecutable. They will word everything very, very cleverly. But let’s say it goes the other way and they are appalled by this, there will be a fall guy or two who’s sentences and registered sex offender status’ will be quietly cut after a short stint, all preceeded by a lot of tough talk of course.

This case and problem has been known for a while. I forget where (CA?), but there’s a criminal case where the defendant was caught in this sting. The judge in that case is (rightly) questioning FBI’s tactics and all. But said judge has also been treading very lightly.

The FBI rain what, “was at one point the largest child pornography site on the dark web.” Good job, FBI. Go large or go home. I wonder if “Amy” or any of the other identified CP victims will sue for damages against FBI/DoJ as they have individuals. Now the US Gov’t has perpetrated the continuing shame and harm these women feel.

“The FBI Hacked Over 8,000 Computers In 120 Countries Based on One Warrant.” This, too, is the subject of court scrutiny. Nothing like an unconstitutional general warrant.

“When reached for comment, Department of Justice spokesperson Peter Carr pointed to the quantitative effectiveness of Operation Pacifier.”
Let me rephrase Mr. Carr in plain English: “The end justifies the means.” I love how the amount of crime found is the measuring stick, not the legality of how it was found. “Warrants? We don’t need no stinkin’ warrants!” (Tip of hat to “The Treasure of the Sierra Madre”:

This country may not yet have secret police, but we’re d*mned close to it. We certainly have all sorts of police secrets.


And the people would be pissed to also find out that some of the individuals caught up in this mess had their charges again them tossed out, unless they plead guilty. Only those who plead guilty get to keep the conviction.

So in the eyes of the government, this wasn’t for nothing. At least they get *some* convictions out of the deal, albeit it plea “bargains”.

Just in case you weren’t incensed enough about the FBI CP ring, read about their other sneaky angle (this is the CA case I had in mind):

See? There are all sorts of ways to get that darned Constitution out of the way.

And let’s not miss what our friends in Congress are doing to help out those thin-blue-liners who get tripped up by that same old rag from 1789:

Anymore, the only difference between America and the Soviet Union and/or the Eastern Bloc is that those citizens actually KNEW not to trust any element of government. Here, it’s sucked up like Kool-Aid that it’s all for our benefit.

Civil liberties? On life support, at best. The pain we RCs endure is merely the tip of the iceberg.


What I want to know is they put child porn out there revictimizing children over and over again and it’s OK for them to put nude pictures of your kids or grandkids, cousins nephews, nieces, brother or sister, I say we don’t stand for it, copy and paste this article to every news paper and station you can, they are counting on all So’s not to say anything for fear of attack from law enforcement, I say enough is enough, the law was put into place for all not everyone but law enforcement

This is the third time the FBI has operated a CP website, and disseminated CP since 2012.

“This is actually the third time the FBI has seized a website and continued to run it for a short period of time. The first known operation took place in 2012, when the agency seized three sites and relocated two servers to an FBI facility in Omaha.”

I am almost tempted to question why this hasn’t been mentioned by the media at large. Where is the outrage over the top law enforcement agency committing heinous crimes?

I also wonder how much of the CP made the Louiseville Police Department child sex ring was disseminated.


If all So’s and there spouse stand up under a lawyer united to take down these laws, if we all stand up together we can get this done, other wise you can relate every president that has been in office since this came to be can be related to Adolph Hitler and all legislation that brought more laws on So’s be considered Hitler’s generals and so on and they would and have been prosocuted for what they did but our president’s and legislation get better pay and better job, SHAME on us who allow this