Over the years a lot of studies and evaluations have been done on everything from the safety of automobiles, airplanes and ocean liners to the type of people that buy fast food rather than cook at home. So what truly is a valid study and what Is required for it to meet scientific standards? Please understand I am not talking about pseudo scientific standards but about mathematical statistical analysis standards or true scientific standards, the type of standards that are required within a court of law. Full Article
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Great article in what should be done. The author presents a method to determine what percent of those on a registry re-offend with a sex crime. And can predict the number that may re-offend in the future. This method has enough merit to present in a court of law. BUT no one, or majority of those in positions that matter, want to hear. They don’t want the truth. They want their truth. Kind of reminds me of the days of inquisition I have read about. If it was not their truth, get rid of it and those that created it.
The courage of those who are not on a registry somewhere and stand up in our defense are amazing They are human. The data they use has to be correct. The smallest error will be selfishly garnished up and protected by those who wish to continuously oppress us registrants. We are US citizens with the same rights as those who oppress us. Our oppressors want our punishment to continue for life, based on data that is false and hearsay.