Convicted sex offenders are threatening to file lawsuits over an ordinance that restricts where they can live in the City of Sun Prairie.
City officials plan to head off litigation by considering changes to the city ordinance next week.
It’s something other Wisconsin municipalities dealt with this year after a federal court ruled that ordinances restricting where convicted sex offenders could live were unconstitutional.
Registered sex offenders aren’t allowed to live or loiter within 1,500 feet of a school, daycare center, park, playground, church, and other places where children under the age of 16 might be, according to the City of Sun Prairie ordinance.
They also can’t attend holiday parties where children under 18 of age will be present, distribute candy on Halloween, or wear a Santa Claus or Easter Bunny costume at events. There are exceptions if the children are related to the registered sex offender.
There are 36 convicted sex offenders living in the City of Sun Prairie, according to the Wisconsin Department of Corrections Sex Offender Registry. There’s 939 listed in Dane County.
Sun Prairie City Attorney Mark Leonard said there have been several inquiries from attorneys on the ordinance and that the city has had appeals. He said alders plan to review the ordinance next week.
City officials plan to head off litigation by considering changes to the city ordinance next week.
How refreshing to see they’re starting to tuck their tails and run at just the threat of lawsuit. “Back in the day,” they would fight tooth and nail saying they were in the right. The tides continue in our favor, friends.
Registered sex offenders who have served their time and not on supervision are considered free citizens but must comply with all applicable sex offender registration requirements — including address changes — according to the Wisconsin Department of Community Corrections.
Which is it? Free citizens are not required to comply with any sort of registration requirements, particularly address changes.
Go wi. keep up the pressure