MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) – Right now, registered sex offenders are allowed to work and volunteer around kids, but a South Carolina bill introduced last week in the State House of Representatives could change that.
The bill says it would make it “unlawful for a sex offender to work or perform volunteer service with or around minor children under certain circumstances unless approved by a circuit court order that requires the offender’s employment or volunteer service be recorded in the offender’s sex offender registry file, to provide that court costs and filing fees must be paid by the offender, and to provide a penalty for a violation of this section.”
Five representatives have their names on the bill, including Horry County’s Alan Clemmons.
“Merely administrative”… lol.
Wow….south carolina sure likes to add new restrictions every year.
This one should fly through easily as it hits right at the fears of parents. The only hiccup I could see is a challenge for vagueness and it isnt narrowly tailored to just child victim sex offenders.
As part of a future bigger challenge against being put on a registry in the first place, it adds another restriction to employment where the person has a condition identical to what one faces under probation or parole with having employment monitored and needing approval. At some point a court is going to have to rule that it violates separation of powers to create a separate scheme equal to probation that is under control of the legislature and not narrowly tailored to the individual or circumstances.
I wonder who brought this idea to the attention of a legislator? It is amazing how real problems do not get the attention they require and insignificant or non issues receive unnecessary focus.
Uh….how many Decades has the Registry been around??? And they still can’t get it right?!? It takes new laws every year to cover every base huh. And yet not one single addition to the Registry will save a single child.
I Really hope those Registered in SC do not let this go unchecked. We cannot afford to let these scumbags looking to make political gains continue to turn our lives upside down destroying families and denying us our right to freedom. I hope we can all come together in every state and start pushing back. If we can’t sleep at night, then those oppressing us shouldn’t be able to either.
South Carolina is running neck and neck with Florida. Two years ago, they raised everyone that was classified as Tier/level 1 to 2! That’s right. A LEVEL TWO. I find this curious as SC is a FOR LIFE state, however, it’s perhaps done to increase grants for all those fabricated “imminent threats.”
This redneck, hellhole of a state wants to make sure there is no chance for you to even possibly be removed from the registry! There will never be provisions in that state to get off. I strongly advise anyone even considering SC to avoid moving there.
Wouldn’t a background check solve the issue?
Is it just me or is this Bill very poorly written??
[The Bill] would make it “unlawful for a sex offender to work or perform volunteer service with or around minor children under certain circumstances unless approved by a circuit court order that requires the offender’s employment or volunteer service be recorded in the offender’s sex offender registry file, to provide that court costs and filing fees must be paid by the offender, and to provide a penalty for a violation of this section.” 😱
🔹️”minor children” – Aren’t all children minors (except perhaps those granted emancipation)?
🔹️”under certain circumstances unless approved by a circuit court order” – so this only applies to “certain circumstances” (which are, of course, not specified)?
🔹️”circuit court order that requires the offender’s employment or volunteer service be recorded in the offender’s sex offender registry file” – I don’t know about others, but I’m pretty certain that I don’t have a “circuit court order” requiring my info be included. It’s a State law that requires I provide my info., not any circuit Court Order.
🔹️”… and to provide a penalty for a violation of this section.” – any penalty? Left to the discretion of who…the torch & pitchfork mob?
Plenty of vagueness there that a good lawyer could drive a truck through.
But what can one expect from hillbilly hollow? 🤠
I have warning for these self righteousness and self-called Christians in the Bible belt states 45 “Then He will answer them, saying, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ 46 “And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
– Mt 25:45-46