Below is a request for registrants only to provide researchers with information about economic impacts of the registry. If you wish, please contact them directly using the link below. The survey ends March 1.
Thank you.
Hi everyone,
Our names are Dr. Jennifer Klein and Dr. Danielle Bailey and we are both Assistant Professors at the University of Texas at Tyler. As you know, we have been collecting data for a project that analyzes the economic impact of the sex offender registry on those individuals required to register. At this point, over 700 registrants have volunteered for the study and shared their stories with us.
Due to high interest in our study, we are extending the collection deadline for the survey responses to Friday, March 1st. We appreciate your support in the survey data collection thus far, and we would like to request that you repost this invite to your members with the extended deadline. We are committed to learning more about what experiences come with being a registrant and we think that this extended deadline will allow more registrants to share their stories.
Registrants, please access the survey through the following links:
https://uttyler.az1. 3mx7fwjKln9ujL7
If you need a paper survey due to Internet restrictions, please see the following attachment. You are welcome to mail it back to us at the following address:
Jennifer Klein or Danielle Bailey
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
As a reminder, we are requesting that only registrants complete this survey. While we certainly acknowledge the economic impact that the registry has had on family members and loved ones, we are specifically trying to focus on registrants this time. Thank you for your understanding.
We appreciate your continued support for this project. We anticipate being able to share our preliminary results with you in Summer 2019. As always, if you have any questions please feel free to email us at jennif… (Dr. Klein) or dba… (Dr. Bailey).
Thank you,
Rita Finley
“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds”
– Samuel Adams
One look at my SSI explains it all.
It was a long survey but it’s for our and our family’s cause to abolish the registry or at least make it more fair and reasonable and evidence based which a study like this can help.
Attempted to use survey; link failed to work
Finances? Impact? Well I had to retire 7 years earlier than I had planned. I was after 24 years at that campus, Full Professor. In pursuit of my terminal degree, the Master Fine Arts Degree in Painting would have increased my number of units, my pay rate plus eventual PHD monthly stipend. [MFA=PHD]. Plus investments increase potential all lost to a pathetic cow town Incident at Owl Creek kangaroo court!
My work is Scholarly and Artistic at the Post Graduate level (PHD) My works were egregiously misinterpreted by the prosecutor who ignored that. Factually, my artwork was not in the least bit sexual, sexualized or erotic. I do condemn the practices that fall within my points of study and underscore I am most certainly not a participant.
Also conveniently ignored is that my work is not an offense. An offense is an action, a conduct, a deliberate and planned exertion to cause and to bring harm. My work is historically accepted as an investigative process. A process to closely examine causation and connections to then convert and render findings into skillful, didactic, artistic visual form. Their design is specifically for advancement of community-wide viewer awareness. This clarity assists in identification of managed dilution of our nations core values, revisionism of American heritage, to underscore non-compliant political swaying from established governing principles, and purposed steering away from our American Traditions. With respect, this is not offensive, neither is this an offense. My professional best practices are a respected, time-honored means by which artists communicate valuable information in visual form.
The pursuit of my MFA Degree varies from your JD Degree only in academic discipline, the scholarly process, the value and responsibility to excel within each discipline are identical.
The focus of my work lay on current societal confrontation and grappling with mal-education, against crime, socialist ideological revival, open borders, forced labor, organ harvesting, the plight of powerful drugs, the new drug (social media), electronic addiction, and human exploitation, slavery and human trafficking.
My paintings qualify as visual Artistic Civics and Societal educational lessons. These illuminate and artfully blend integral controversial political and conventional American historical developments into large tableaus. The nation-shaping events that I chose to include ranged from the years 1620 through 2016. Bear in mind I began my work about 2010-11 and I was arrested in 2015. Also ignored are that all the prescient, foregoing topics contained in my work have proven to be completely accurate and have become newsworthy four years later in 2019! This being said, my artwork was not only prescient, but through its vision and accuracy, of great value and efficacy for our community-at-large for instruction, for interpretation and defense against Post-Obama era sociocultural, political and geoeconomics.
To conclude, all art students in training and especially those creating Figurative Art regularly use the nude human form and have since the middle 1400’s. My art studies began 1971, I think my years of expertise and creative experience profile qualify and clear that I may, at times, work with sensitive and perhaps controversial materials. Especially considering this is post graduate level work. I believe that my life has prepared me for this moment of examination and depiction of some of our most polarizing political activities, events and figures in our history. Add 28 years of successful collegiate level teaching. Now, may I garner some understanding and respect for my work rather than vilification and predeterminative biases from among you? Can you see your errors?
WELL, U of Texas TYLER U is over with, it’s BARELY the middle of Feb.
AND not March 1 yet. The Univ prob shut down the survey from Dr.’s K & B.
No longer available it stated.
Sad. Didn’t see as was in an unusual location on this site.
What they NEED TO KNOW is ALL Reg suffer and that FINANCIAL & HOUSING
is at it’s WORST for those excluded from their Families anymore no matter if they
are U.S. Citizens or Not here in Cali it’s WORSE due to expenses in Housing then food
then if you are lucky to find a job with the Internet you canNOT gain a job due to looking
you up by name for small biz and then Corp by their qualcomm and ids platforms they use
specific contractors to do their hiring bidding and process to get them out of the Legal Loop.
Is what exactly it is , On the Megan’s? Worse fake fear sites getting people’s public monies
to feed their site, you will never get anywhere for housing or work with that up there. Especially
the “home Safety” sites claiming look at these offenders are you really safe with them nextdoor>?
NO conv date let alone the one’s that are off the ML CA site and have Cert of Rehab or Misd. and lowered.
They are still on most of them and will cost 1000’s of no money dollars to remove legally. S A D
Texas Tyler Univ. that’s the prob and loss of the RC.
Put that in your study.
no job no house no money what else does the Registry take away besides Family? Spouses?