1 in 4 chance your teen has gotten a sext

[news4jax.com – 4/15/19]

As if parents don’t have enough to deal with once their teens’ hormones start kicking in.

Apparently, “sexting” is the new flirting, according to some experts.

Research compiled in a new article in Pediatrics found that texting sexual images has become increasingly common among teenagers in the United States.

That’s not completely surprising, considering teens are using cellphones more than ever.

But in 39 studies featuring more than 110,000 teens, researchers found that more than a quarter of teens (27.4%) have received a sext and 14.8% have sent one.

Boys and girls sext equally, but the older teens get, the more likely they are to be involved in sexting, the authors found.

And in some states, teens risk more than just embarrassment if the photos get out. Twenty-three states allow authorities to prosecute sexting between teens as the production of child pornography.

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GOOD, this is great in my opinion. These closet sex fiend parents scaring kids into thinking sex is all bad is BS. The entire country and so called civilized society demonizing sex at any age is BS. I hate to tell people but when female and males reach sexual maturity they are by nature predisposed to have sexual encounters. It is called evolution idiots. No where in the animal kingdom do the parents of a species prolong virginity after sexual maturity. Sorry, but it is the facts. And whatever with the “we are not animals” BS because I hate to tell them, take a anthro, geol, or any bio or geo science classes and see what they think. I understand our society it is illegal and I will never make that mistake again, but I hope all these youngsters do their thing that nature is telling them to do and screw the helicopter closet sex parents. There were a lot of us having sex at 12 and 13 and guess what? It was fun as hell!!!! Screw them…. This damn country being ran by these weirdos in office is getting old real fast anyways, this is a great way to get the weirdos out of the closet and to rethink how they are thinking since it very well maybe their kids effected by these laws for a change instead of all the normal kids that have not been coddled by their elitist weirdo parents who then go on to become these weirdo politicians.. This is like the opioid and heroin epidemic, elitism does not shield their kids from this shit.

Let me restate that. There were a lot of youngsters having sex in junior high back when I was in school and they were exclaiming how fun it was. I will not suggest who or whether it was legal or not because we all know how quick it is for people to jump on the illegal bandwagon and without the statute of eliminations anymore, who knows. So lets just state a lot of people were.

1 in 4 – or much better – chance your teen has sent a sext.

Can we stop pretending for one second that teens are toddlers? And that nudity is pornography?

This title “1 in 4 your teen has received a sext message”….How about Francine Frazier writing an article with the title stating that its “1 in 4 your teen will end up on the registry for sexting” …..that would turn some parents heads.

They really love that “1 in 4” mythos because it stirs fear and concern. This nonsense is right up there with other click-bait zingers like “rape culture” and “toxic masculinity.” Coincidentally, the “1 in 4 college females have been sexually assaulted” claim has already been debunked even before the MeToo thing took off.