CA: Prison guards opened cells for inmate attacks. Why some kept their jobs

A California prison warden was going to fire six correctional officers after an investigation found they had helped a group of inmates assault convicted sex offenders.

The warden managed to get rid of four of the officers, but then California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation attorneys stepped in and prevented firing two of them, according to an Office of the Inspector General report published Friday. The report doesn’t identify the prison. Full Article

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I don’t know what to say except it’s time the “sex offenders” formed their own gang. It’s time to get violent. These people can’t be reasoned with, so the only thing I think they will respond to is physical domination. Once this is demonstrated perhaps the assaults will become less frequent.

Sounds like lawsuits from the deceased persons’ families are in order.

The CDCR needs to held accountable for this by a legal team on the behalf RC inmates with action that will be a financially stinging to CDCR. There needs to be a requirement for these officers not only losing their jobs, but be incarcerators of CDCR.

And where are the civil rights attorneys


There are no civil rights attorneys when it comes to sex offenders
Attorneys don’t want to be a socialize with child molester or rapist
The sad part is no matter what you do or where you go everybody’s going to pass judgment and always view you that way even your family and friends
The only way to truly be free from the scrutiny of societys Scarlet Letter Megan’s Law Witch Hunt vigilante bullshiit is MONEY the more money you got the more these unjust 290 registration laws won’t affect your life because it’s so obvious that these laws are designed for anyone who is put on that list to never work to never be accepted in society to be homeless living under freeway underpass that was the strategic mission by the US government and then eventually relocking them up and puting them in prison where they could be assaulted and indoor more torture and abuse that’s what these laws are designed for
So for everybody searching for an answer a way out or a way to be free a way to live a happy peaceful life here’s your answer you have to save all your money believe it or not money is power and power is money plain and simple

In Federal Prison any assault on a SO during encarceration results in a hate crime punishable by an extra 5 years.


Military Prisons and Federal Prisons operate under different departments. Military is under Department of Defense while Federal is under Bureau of Prisons.

Different and separate jurisdictions even though it is under our government.

When I was encarcerated in Federal that 5 year penalty that was imposed on the prison population kept SO assaults to a minimum. In all my years spent I knew of only one assault that happened.

I’ve met a few from Leavenworth that got transferred with their “888” number designation into Federal. I’ve been told some interesting differences between Military and Federal from you military guys. I take it you were brutalized during your time? If you were I’m sorry to hear that…

How about identifying the victims and offering to sue the state? Sounds like hundreds of thousands on the settlement, great for the victims’ families and a small percentage for ACSOL’s coffers.

In my personal experience in both State and Federal facilities, SOME of, if not many of the “worst” offenders in Prison and not the ones detained, but the guards themselves.

I have seen incredible acts of professionalism and care, but I have also witnessed terrible instances of cruelty.

This article is of no surprise. There is a federal holding facility in Rhode Island that has guards that purposely enjoy outing persons with SO charges to their little minions whom are detainees and their personal tattletales. Low IQ guards who get a rise out of facilitating their power trip and personal agenda. I am not surprised by this article.

Seen it, been there, been subject of it and been victim of it too. The facilities know these things take place, but all cover for each other internally. Guards protect their supposed “tuff guy” snitches, and the snitches are cowards and bullies when it comes to outing those detained for SO offenses in GP. LOL, I would find out later that the majority of them were in detention with a record going back years of their own dark *hit. But, threw up all that “chaff” and wanted to appear like tuff guys. Some kind of defenders of things. When in fact, in my experience what came to light was that the most boisterous of them all had the most to hide, which is why many in my observation became tattletales.

This is my personal experience. I have been in the Belly of The Beast. My experience is no greater or lesser than any our individual experiences. But in Prison there are two types of cowards. Guards and their Tattletales. Those are the two types of cowards. Each seem to enjoy cruelty as a way of gaining some sort of sick power over a person. But there is always to fight back smartly, and not with fists. Not with direct confrontation, but with intelligence and Never, EVER, EVER let them see your actions. Just be the “unknown” reason why a giant *hitstorm comes down from all angles, all levels. I should not say more.

But there is a way to fight back. It perhaps will not in the instant prevent a physical attack. But, in my attendance through facilities all the way from Arizona, to Con Air (Oklahoma City), through Feds in NJ, MDC in NY, Detention in RI, and Detention in CT, I have yet to see any Coward remain on a yard and not Flee from a well thought out countermeasure.

Be smart, Be Courageous and Be Educated.

(Again, this is my OWN personal experience)

IMO, this should be considered a hate crime. Up until the present, there have only been a few instances of DA’s persuing hate crime charges where an rc was either assulted or killed. Im not sure if anyone was ever convicted of hate crime versus an rc, but its well past time.

I was locked up in County 24 years ago. 1st time. I saw some very disturbing things. Abuse, people being refused medical care, lying cops, fights and I’ll never trust the LA County Sheriffs Department again. If you recall, both the OC Sheriff and LA County Sheriff (few years back) where both fired and sent to jail. The jails are out of control! The sad part is many of the deputies who work in the jails are new recruits. People wonder why those who spend time in prison come out with bad attitudes! I never saw prison, but I can only imagine. Very sad story and the guards should have all been prosecuted! Educated Church going people don’t act like this. The recruiters should do a better job!

@ Mitchell
That makes no sense