CA: California Prisoner Confesses To Killing 2 Molesters

[ – 2/20/20]

CORCORAN, Calif. (AP) — A California prison inmate confessed in a letter that he beat two child molesters to death with a cane while behind bars just hours after his urgent warning to a counselor that he might become violent was ignored, a newspaper chain reported Thursday.

Jonathan Watson, 41, confessed in the letter to the Bay Area News Group in Northern California that he clubbed both men in the head on Jan. 16 at the California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison in Corcoran.

Prisoner David Bobb, 48, died that day. Graham De Luis-Conti, 62, died three days later at a hospital. Both were serving life sentences for aggravated sexual assault of a child under 14.

“We can’t comment on an active investigation,” Dana Simas, spokesman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, wrote in an email.

Watson is serving a life sentence for a 2009 murder conviction.

Days before the attack, he said his security classification was changed and he was transferred from a single-person cell to a lower-security dormitory pod at the Central Valley facility. Watson called the switch a “careless” mistake and said he had protested the decision.

Watson wrote that six days after he arrived at the prison, a child molester moved into the pod. Watson believed the man began taunting other inmates by watching children’s television programming. Watson said in the letter he couldn’t sleep that night “having not done what every instinct told me I should’ve done right then and there.”

Two hours before the attacks the next day, Watson told a prison counselor that he urgently needed to be transferred back to higher-level security “before I really (expletive) one of these dudes up,” but the counselor “scoffed and dismissed” him.

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Does Watson have family? Hopefully they are under protection. All it takes is one old CSO to be diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer to go out with a little cane action of her own.

The fact that America is celebrating a violent murdering killing two people who inappropriately molested/touched someone under age 14 speaks volumes about this Failing Country. While I am sure what these two people did was bad, celebrating a violent murder shows further proof that America is OK with violence and in some way its a part of American culture, nobody bats an eyelid.

Same thing happened to the Romans and their gladiator sports. Their rulers were right then and now, use the right story to paint the scene then feed the mob what they want to hear.

They’re cowards and they have become emboldened by virtue-touting hypocrites and politicians. Ultimately what they preach comes back around.

Of course until then these people are reveling in their newfound sense of righteous unity against a common enemy.

Yes it’s sad what the world has come to, to celebrate that guy on Facebook. I can tell you what my probation officer told me. You cant have a gun & while on probation nothing over a 4 inch blade knife but no law says you cant have a baseball bat, pipe, hammer, an so on and once off probation you can have a longer bladed knife, machete but you can only carry on your person a 4 inch bladed knife, be aware of your surroundings and whos around you. Another on a different site said he has differnt weapons ( pipe, bat, hammer) hidden around his place an property, dont live in fear just protect you an your family.