Join RTAG’s conference call about possible changes to Angel Watch and Guardian Angel

[ – 2/28/20] ALL are invited to hear Update to RTAG’s and Matt Ameika’s Mexican law firm efforts to effect the Angel Watch notification system and Mexico’s parallel Guardian Angel program. We have the acquired 5 Amparo (Remedy) cases to hopefully make changes to immigration procedures. Furthermore, the Mexican courts have recently established that the Mexican constitution and legal rights take priority over international agreements. We have also begun a process of engaging Mexican judges and government officials. Finally, we will discuss plans going forward. Paul Rigney and Matt will…

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Kat’s Blog: App. Goes to Disturbing Lengths to Catch Predators

Good Morning America has run two recent segments on a parental control phone monitoring app. called Bark. For a fee, the tech company advertises that it’s app. can monitor your children’s social media online activities for signs of potentially dangerous situations such as cyber-bullying, adult content, sexual predators, drug use, depression, suicidal ideation, threats of violence and other assorted issues. Understandably, the online world can be a dangerous place, so some parents might choose to monitor their children’s computer activities by paying a tech company to act as “big brother”,…

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