Booker calls for national police misconduct registry

[ – 5/31/20]

New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker tells CNN’s Jake Tapper he’s drafting legislation to create a national police registry for misconduct after the killing of George Floyd by a white police officer in Minnesota.

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Someone’s gotta tell Cory Booker how that will backfire massively.

On the other hand….

“Come to the dark side Cory…yes, suck in the registry and list power!” – Unnamed NJ Reps who know this well from successful legislation

If Cory wasn’t playing Spartacus on TV, he’d research this and found as starters:

Uh no,

How about a better screening process for potential law enforcement? Let’s not commit to training anyone who is getting into the job for the wrong reasons. Also throughout training opportunities to continually review people and weed them out in case anything becomes apparent that would be detrimental to their ability uphold the Standard of what law enforcement should be. They should be banned from applying for another law enforcement job anywhere in the United States.

Misconduct should not be treated with demotions, transfers, or paid administrative leave but with loss of jobs and if applicable prosecution. More importantly law enforcement should be tested regularly to insure they are practicing the standards taught during training and if someone is not that should be fixed asap or the person needs to be let go. In either case anyone let go won’t be able to hold another law enforcement job for the rest of their life.

The practice of ex military becoming cops, jail and prison guards, and other law enforcement including special agents or the secret service should be seriously scaled back if not forbidden for at least ten years after the end of service. In fact interagency switching including to or from the military ought to be disallowed except under very narrow and heavily reviewed/vetted circumstances.

I’m all for it, Booker T. Spartacus. Bring it. I’m sure it will solve all of our abusive LE woes as effectively as the sex offender has kept us all safe from perverts lurking in in shadows everywhere.

This is not going to pass. Police union are STRONG and will fight this.

Mr. Booker I think will suffer the same fate Mr. Feingold did in 1998 because biting the hand that feeds you is never a good idea.

I’m certain the benevolent ones will object. Brady lists are not new but the online electronic versions have come and gone. Of the sites I’ve discovered most are privately built by individual and based on one issue or a specific misconduct case. . Of the larger more official ones, most of them have been difficult to use. The cases are hyperlinked by cryptic code and cross referenced in ways, none of which ” tells the story. ”

States SOR sites are the same way – no behavioral truth is exposed. Instead you get links to complaint #, and a hearing reference etc.

Maybe we should all vote to see this pass… Although I imagine Mr Booker will not be breathing much longer should he move forward with it. This highlights the FACT that the Registry is in fact PUNISHMENT and a weapon/hit list

According to an associated press report, there are over 1000 police that have lost their certification to be police officers nation wide due to sex crimes. The report says this is a grossly understated estimate since states like Ca. And N.Y. Don’t report decertification statistics. But loss of certification does not mean having to register or even be charged with the actual crime. Even when breaking the laws, these people are protected by the blue wall because to admit the problem is to admit the system is broken. Basically deflect to protect. If the public knew that the people they empower for they’re safety are the same that they need to be most fearful of, we the registrant would be in even more danger, because the police would make us out to be a bigger danger than they are. Good cops know we are mostly good people, while bad, corrupt cops see us as a way to hide their corrupt deeds.

I heard a great idea once. Require all police officers to have malpractice insurance. Then it’s quite simple – If an officer is cited repeatedly for violating rules, for overaggressive policing, for brutality and violence, etc, his/her malpractice premiums will become so expensive that he/she will no longer be able to pay them ….. or the insurance company will drop that officer.
And if they do not have malpractice insurance, No jurisdiction will hire them as a police officer.

A registry for cops what good will that do. How about accountability of people in law enforcement? If a cop has multiple misconduct issues that cop should never work in law enforcement again. Just because they have a gun and a badge doesn’t make them above the law. Enough is enough with this holier than thou mentality of law enforcement

I hate crooked cops but I fail to see what purpose this registry proposal would serve. I think we all know how the sex offense registry has been used.

Brandon ~ It is called “The Rule Of Law” – In its simplest form, the concept of the “rule of law” means that we are subject to clearly defined laws and legal principles (rather than the personal whims of powerful people), and that those laws apply equally to all people, all the time. NOBODY is above the law.

I’m only for Booker’s “idea” if it will help shed light on how Unconstitutionally punitive and ill-conceived Megan’s Law is.

There is greater need for legislation to create a national politicians registry for misconduct. The problem is that Booker will be on it.

I’m fine with this. As soon as it’s created and the courts rule is at punitive (and you know they will), they’ll have no choice to be dismantle our registry.