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It isn’t really different. You will be assigned a probation officer, take polygraphs, pay any fees, complete SO management course, and follow a number of rules. I guess there are specific reason why there are different names, but it is all the same. You will be closely watched for a period of time.

Probation is 100% harder then parole and requires GPS tracking device, check ins once a month and home visits every other month.
Parole is more laid back you still gotta check in once a month and home visits but they have a little bit more freedom as long as their honest and up front with their PO they don’t get violated as much as people on probation.

Good luck

I believe you will be monitored by probation rather than parole, and to my knowledge, PRCS is a maximum of 1 year provided there are no violations. It is part of the re-alignment to have certain non violent, non serious offenses serve their time in jail rather than in prison, but you were already in prison when this was decided.You can look up AB 109: Eligible 1170(h) Felonies List.

After 15 years…How long on Probation Post release?
Reason I am asking is that my love one was looking at 27 years if he chose to go to trial or a 12 year plea deal. All charges were behind the screen and non-violent. In California we are hearing that parolees are sentenced to 20 years parole upon released. As a family we are shocked an apauled at this 20 parole because when he went in our family was told parole typically is 5 maybe 8 years upon release. So after the 12 years please (which he served 7+ year after milestones and good behavior) but now with the laws the way they are to possibly be receiving a 20 year parole our loved one and our family are still being put through the original 27 year sentence. How is that possible?

If on probation you will have to pay for your own required counseling and on parole it is paid by the state. It can get very expensive. This can violate your probation if you cannot pay. More programs are available for people on parole. People on probation have to figure it out themselves. Be careful because it makes no sense that you will be on probation right out of a long prison sentence. They might be limiting your resources for help to mess with you. Probation Officers tend to lie and not know the law. They will impose conditions harsher than parole officers many times. Good Luck. My husband has gone through a lot of this so I am very familiar. ….my advice…..Pray! and pay attention to everything they tell you and Don’t tell you!

Perhaps if you tell us what state and county you are referring to then the responses to your question would be more accurate?

I’m not sure how long I am I going to have to wear this box GPS on my leg. I’m not sure how long I will be alive since I am on a hit list where I have lost my money, friends and family because of the law. I have a lifetime parole on a 187 2nd and I now am going to be homeless since I don’t have a place to go. I’m going to have to arm myself or die. Tell me what to do if your can. I just want to die in peace and now I can’t. I’m not going to hurt myself but I don’t want to hurt anyone else either. What happened in 1977 was wrong and was a one time happening in my life and even the prison wrote it down as isolated and not a recurring event and I fought fires for my time. Now after 30 years of this last time for a 187 and lifetime parole I am still being charged for a crime I did after I thought was gone except for the registration. Not sure how much longer I have on this world but I don’t think I will die in peace and nether will anyone else that tries to hurt myself or anyone else I care about.
D. Smith

Is riverside county registration more restrictive than San diego county?