OK: Sex-Offense Registry Sweeps Intended to Boost Support for Cops Unwittingly Spread COVID-19

[shadowproof.com – 11/2/20]

The Oklahoma City Police Department pulled off a social media coup on July 7. “Meet the top 10 most wanted individuals being sought by our Sex Offender Registration Unit,” the department posted on its Facebook page. “It’s important we keep tabs on these guys (and gal), so help us find them.” The post engaged a huge number of readers, receiving 1,500 shares and nearly 500 comments.

Told dangerous people were loose on city streets, readers responded. “[She] works at [a local store] I’m fucking sick!” posted one. Shadowproof is withholding this individual’s name and place of work to protect them from retaliation.

Others had their own solutions: “If I spot any I’ll send you the parts.” “Should just chalk these guys up as losses. Let the people deal some justice.” “Take them out back and shoot them.”

The department hasn’t clearly explained how it chose its top 10. At least six were convicted of a sexual crime that happened 10 or more years ago and haven’t been convicted of a new one, according to state information. Their names are published in the state’s sex-offense registry, alongside their photos, personal and workplace addresses, and other information.

No one on the “top 10 most wanted” list was accused of a repeat sexual crime, it appears.

The logic behind these operations is simple: registrants who don’t update their information pose an imminent threat. But there’s no evidence to support that logic, and law enforcement may have other purposes in mind.

Filling jails and prisons with people for failing to do paperwork seems like a particularly bad move as more than 242,000 people behind bars have been infected with the coronavirus and at least 1,400 inmates and corrections officers have died, according to the New York Times.

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Seems about as ill informed and backwards and nonsensical as one would expect. The whole top ten most wanted of anything is far more often than not an attention grabbing stunt. Also there’s a pandemic which makes the subsequent results of the whole effort of holding said event that much funnier. Of course people got sick for their absolutely dumb conduct.

The PR sweep failed to protect society from Covid-19, but we got the high from rounding them up for failure to update information.

This comes from Utah, but they did a PR stunt here. Note the picked and chose who they were targeting to skew the numbers. Beside that, the quotes from the Utah U.S. Attorney and Head of U.S. Marshall’s Service say it all, its punishment.


Sounds like Deputy Dog is living in Utah!!

I’m glad to see some are striving to reason all this out or is a database better than reasoning? ie computer. Myself I didn’t want to say anything about Utah or even its rightous views but what is righteous. Is it an orthodoxy of being right or is it a religion. Should one always remember that or do we all have freedom of religion.

Brandon you talk about a duputy Dog , well what about a Matlock defense since it seems you are going for cartoon characters. So were does getting to the truth come in with the many in prison on somewhat trumped up issues with these many ways and means. So who is spitting on who in this fleshly lust type ordeals or who is doing a tango number on many. So doesn’t the truth cut more sharper than a two edged sword.

Brandon their have been rapes going on since the Tower of Bable so who is inducing or who is seducing in this mind control game or should we all go ack to Jim Jones and drink kool-aid.
Was reading a bit of what JohnDoeUtah put up in the link. “Congress took that choice away”.. So what is a choice and what is a decision.. Two different things. That even says something about my case and many cases, and yes I didn’t go to prison for my little internet encounter and I’m sure many more also. So who’s catching who in the act?

Sounds like someone’s breaking civil liberties and are moral ethics being treaded upon in much of this jumblled up mess. I’m sure dateline would have a field day with much of these antics of this governmental debacle weather wholly or unholy endeavors. It all comes down to trying the spirit of patience of mankind or is someone trying to rewrite the story “Catcher in the Rye”.

Keep in mind the new administration next year may look into implementing the process the 20-year history of sex offender registration to incorporate it into the national Covid-19 tracing system. IF IT’S IMPLEMENTED (hopefully, still a big “if”), this will MANDATE everyone to be tracked, and will most probably be implemented within a couple of years.

Without the SOR this would have taken years to get off the ground and had been stopped, but now they know the process. Please note that this is only a prediction based upon the fact that the social system exists in China while C19 tracing exists in some states in Australia. Active right now.

From there, the government intrusions will be more and more problematic. “First, the came for the sex offenders…”