FL: Former Seminole County assistant state attorney enters plea on 2 felony sex charges

A former Seminole County Assistant State Attorney has entered a plea on two felony charges of having sex with a minor who worked for him.

There was emotional testimony on Thursday in court from the victim, as Andrew Jones took the deal.

WESH 2’s Bob Hazen explains why he will avoid jail time for the crime.

This former prosecutor, who wanted to be a judge, admitted to having sex with a 17-year-old girl. The victim testified she still has nightmares about it. But the lawyer’s plea deal means he will not have to register as a sex offender or do any prison time.

The victim told the judge she will never be the same because of what happened when she was 17 and working on the election campaign of now 42-year-old Andrew John Jones.

He was a former assistant state attorney, running to be a Seminole County judge, but in August 2019, he was accused of raping the teen at his Longwood home.

The victim testified she felt shame, even though she had done nothing wrong.

Jones was originally charged with sexual assault. In court, he admitted to having sex with her, but pleaded guilty to just aggravated child abuse and tampering with evidence.

It was a plea deal allowing Jones to avoid prison time, instead serving two years on community control and eight on probation.

He will not have to register as a sex offender.

The victim’s lawyer told WESH 2 News that he does not believe Jones is getting off easy.

Jones was able to leave court and go home.
The victim said she will never get her life back.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_kn0b9jj4c

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LOL what a crooked system. This is how we know America is corrupt. Using the same standard that we’ve been all held to, this guy should have been sent to prison and required to register as a sex offender. Two years probation and not having to register, presumably because he’s “one of the guys,” is absolutely getting off easy.

I wonder why the article felt it so important to highlight that he won’t have to register. After all, it’s a non-punitive regulatory scheme that allows registrants to live and work freely like other citizens. No big deal, right?

It goes to show you that the average citizen is held to a higher judicial standard than prosecutors, judges, law enforcement, etc. when it should be the other way around. He should have got double the sentence because the public entrusted him to be above doing things like that. What a kick in the face of justice!! It makes me so sick I want to vomit all over them and their corrupt court!!

This story needs to be kept alive to show how the crooked system work. We should all remember this and reference it in the future.

Now David and you guys lets not be so harsh or hasty do we all make mistakes. Since this Covid ordeal I finely actually met my new probation officer. I had briefly met him at the door of my house for a minute which doesn’t give anyone time to get to know or understand a person.

Yes sense monthly meeting are now in order and ok to do monthly visits to PO’s office. I knew I want to have some support with me so I take my friend which is of the black race. He even mentioned “if it was me” they would have put me in jail. My friend is still saying that they are still under slavery of some sorts. Even much of this registry is like slavery of punishment with discrimination. I dont’ even know the stutistics of race in this registry ordeal but we all should get fair treatment. I have to agree that this florida issue is out of balance but I’m not the judge.

Should we all look at the registry with bias judgement or with understanding. Who is actually doing the right and who is actually doing the wrong. Yes I agree with a lot of you all and yes governments do have their downfalls and problems but that was one of their own and while he was assistant state attorney should we all look for challenges.. What do you think advocates are for and yes I’m sure we could use fair and equal justice or even bandment of the registry in so many issues. Even some physical encounters are a bit off line (physical) affairs are gross negilance and callous or who’s hiding behind a judges coat.

Must be nice to be one of the good ole boys and commit crimes against minors, while not even getting a slap on the wrist. What this tells me Is the system is fine with sexual assault long as its one of their own; but the average joe gets their life ruined on an accusation.

Goes to show how the registration laws are full of it. In due time, black and brown citizens will be the predominate class of people listed on these web sites. Some folks get off easy, while others get slammed.

Alex Acosta must have been his lawyer.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob

I think his sentence had something to do with the fact that the victim was a 17 year old minor and not a child, believe it or not the age of the victim plays a major role in sentencing ether way this guy should of known better especially being a public figure.
We dont know what led up to this situation happening and what was she doing alone with him at his Longwood home in the first place, and how do we know he wasn’t seduced by this 17 year old and where were her parents, why would they let their 17 year old child sleep at a grown man’s house alone, the whole story sounds a bit like a money grab from the victim and her family.
Even though I believe he was set up by the victim and her family, he still should have to register as a sex offender, the laws the law.

Good luck

FL Matt Gaetz hes happy

David you know it seems different states can make their own law’s about sex offending or computer generated sex offending… I still like Will Allan’s thinking that much of this registry is a bit of sour grapes in government and yes it is unconstitutional also or else my Criminal Justice instructors, history, teachers were feeding many a line. I’m glad I didn’t take corporate law studies. Civics were enough. Criminal Justice at a 2 yr. college was eye opening thou.

So basically, if you are ignorant of the crime you are charged with , you face a possible lifetime of shaming, harassing and possible physical abuse. But if you are responsible for prosecuting those same people, then by extension you are responsible for knowing the laws. But because the legal system is biased towards their own, this bottom feeding attorney (redundant) is immune from the ‘Non punitive’ results of his actions. Oh well, another reason why every attorney needs to meet the business end of a Louisville slugger.