SC: Boyfriend gets lifetime sex offender status for cellphone video

COLUMBIA, S.C. — ____ ____ will spend the next 18 months in a federal prison for 15 minutes worth of sex videos he made with his teenage girlfriend.

The girlfriend, who knew ____ was videoing at the time, was 16– which made her a minor under a federal sex offender law meant to apply to serious sex crimes. Having the video on his cellphone meant ____ violated federal law by possessing child pornography. Full Article

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How sad … I know first hand how this is … . But it never got to this point, they broke up before I got upset enough to actually press charges to an ‘older’ BF. It was such a trying time. I feel bad for the young man, boy, really.

The kid’s life is ruined if he has to register for the rest of his life. If he is ever able to have a professional job is entirely dependent upon the length of time he is required to register as a “sex offender”.

And so yet another ROS is created by the system.

750,001 and counting.

The article is interesting, but the comments are even more so. Not _one_ voice raised in support of the prosecution, and the arguments against the outcome of the case-in-point are well thought out and, actually, correct and compassionate.

“What’s wrong with our society..?”, as a question, is beginning to emerge. The prosecution wold have you believe that we are a nation of perverts. Three-quarters of a million people condemned to a lifetime criminal control, but not incarcerated; a ‘virtual’ probation forever determined to destroy generations of Americans; not just the Registered Ex-Offender, but her future as a citizen, her home, her family, her children, her profession.
What is wrong with our society is that we have allowed ourselves to become ruled by fear instead of reason; we are “terrorized” from within and have willingly surrendered the foundations of our freedoms for a little bit of false security. We were warned against this by our founding Fathers, but have allowed tyranny to run amok in the form of an enhanced “police” mentality.

American culture is obsessed with sex because American culture lacks a common goal. Every proposed motivation to organize around a common purpose flies in the face of some other, greater, more morally correct, politically expedient or frenetically urgent priority. We are stymied, hamstrung, stalled and literally castrated as a people. The insanity leveled against “sex-offenders” is a manifestation of America’s obsession with sex; as though it wasn’t obvious that absolutely everything is society has to do with sex, other than sex itself, which has to do with power.

In being forced to surrender on the “Marijuana Front”, the Government is moving the war against civil liberties into the last frontier: that foundation upon which all of civilization rests, the biological family. They would destroy all of civilization to retain their privilege to incarcerate-at-will and damn the Constitution and the Judiciary and especially The People. Left unchecked, their ever-increasing power will serve to destroy our Nation and we will gladly accept the logic once proposed to eliminate the crime of rape: “Since all men are potential rapists, we should simply incarcerate all male children at birth.”

The end _always_ justifies the means.
God help us.

You ‘da man!
There are “Christians” who are way-primitive and urge stupidity as a cure for every ill society suffers.
It’s like the gun nuts who see the Second Amendment as a license to tote heat: the fact that there _is_ a “Second Amendment” is proof that the law exists to regulate weapons. They just don’t like their privilege to commit homicide from a distance removed, much as society needs it.
The Primitive Christian ignores the third part of his creed. Remember the Father, Son and Holy Ghost?..Oh yeah, they’re really big on the Father part (authority)..the Son part as long as He remains nailed on the Cross and not a threat…but the Holy Ghost part escapes everyone of them.
The Spirit of love and compassion; the only part of God we will ever understand.
Where’s that?