FL: [1970’s Teen] convicted in 2000 of molesting Boy Scout ordered to move out of home near family pool in The Villages

Source: villages-news.com 3/24/22

A [1970’s teen] convicted of molesting a[nother] Boy Scout has been ordered to move out of his parents’ home located near a family pool in The Villages. [His alleged victim in the mid 1970s claimed that an older boy had molested him. Siegfried Hepp Jr who was born in 1961 took a plea deal 30 years later as he was obviously unable to prove he had not abused the younger boy scout in the mid 1970s, when he himself was just a teenager.  When sentenced, his sentence included 10 years on the registry, but that has since become lifetime on the registry. See also here and here and  here]

Siegfried Hepp Jr., [now] 60, this past week moved into 1214 Maria Court in the Village of Del Mar, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Hepp was convicted in 2000 in Connecticut of sexually assaulting a Boy Scout in the mid-1970s. [when he was just a teenager himself]

After Hepp’s arrival, Lady Lake police officers knocked on the door and notified him he was in violation of an ordinance approved in 2019 by the Lady Lake Commission. That ordinance inserted the word “private”  into an existing ordinance which already provided that [people listed on the registry] cannot establish a permanent residence within 2,500 feet of a public school, church, daycare center, park, playground or library. The ordinance includes facilities such as family pools. 

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But… if he is 60 years old now, then he himself would have only been a teenager at the time. In fact, it seems he may have been a minor. 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️

The villages ?
Isn’t that Trumps base,
The Republicans home base, He will find a way to stay just donate to the cause!

Dear ACSOL, I agree that it is important to present titles, quotes, or whatever as they appeared, but perhaps it would be better to do this title as “FL: SEX OFFENDER [SIC] CONVICTED …”?

Decent people should not be helping the terrorists use their “sex offender” hate label. Using “[sic]” points out that the phrase is being used inaccurately and incorrectly.

Also, I pray the Lady Lake Commissioners who supported this ordinance all die in fires. It does not have to be painful though.

Ordinance violations the exceed state law can be fodder for court action. In my state registration agents spend time advising ( begging) lesser local jurisdictions not to pass residential restrictions ordinance because of the constitutional issues. Smith V Doe partly hinged upon the affirmative restraint intended by the act. Agents understand full well if the registry concept is overturned they are out of a job. SCOTUS also declared registered persons were free to live and work as the rest of the population, but how accurate was that prediction.

Wow. Truth or Dare. Guess Girl Scout cookies are poison when you mix them with brownies. Guess a boy scout presents the good or bad in public relation personalsin today’s America. I can’t even remember my boy scout days. Digging up the past is a bit of a confession confusion in a court of law. Guess their is no true justice today or what is Justice. Guess this Trump guy got the last word in on all Americans on that one or do we all still say” We the People”. I still wonder if their is honor among thief’s or who steals true justice away from many in many ways means and forms. Are many blind sighted today.

I saw this tidbit in a news article about online sex sting operations:

“Police remind the public the actions performed by the creator of the video are ‘risky operations even for trained professionals.'”

The LE spokesperson failed to specify the risks such operations pose to law enforcement personnel: cold coffee as they sit at their computer station as well as the very serious risk of developing hemorrhoids as they sit on their butts diddling away on the internet! 🙄 Heroes all. 🙄

Here is an update. And the LE asshats even specified his exact address. 🙄 Now that behavior really is criminal!


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