The board of directors for the Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL) unanimously voted yesterday to discontinue its support for the March 2023 conference in Washington, D.C. Prior to that vote, ACSOL had donated $5,000 to the Women Against Registry foundation for that conference.
The ACSOL board’s decision yesterday followed a decision made a few weeks ago to withdraw its support for the vigil planned to be held in March 2023 near the U.S. Supreme Court. The purpose of the vigil was to educate the U.S. Supreme Court regarding the significant harm that has resulted from the Court’s decision stating that the requirement to register was an administrative requirement and not punishment.
Although ACSOL will not participate in the March 2023 events, the organization is exploring other methods by which to educate the U.S. Supreme Court. The methods could include litigation, creation of a video or support for an academic study.
I think it’s an unfortunate, by wise, decision. There are just too many fired-up gun-nut crazies out there right now. IMHO. 😲
While I can understand removing support of the vigil out of caution due to the current climate, but I feel more detailed and specific information as to the reasoning to why removing support for the conference this needed here. This just makes it seem that ACSOL wants to do their own thing and not be apart of or work with any other organization in this area. It’s not a good presentation at all.
Then we should hit them where they least expected, we should flood the California state capital, we got the numbers, over a 100.000 PFR in our state, I wanna see barricades up at every state capital in this nation where PFR are continuously being punished for crimes they committed decades ago and all the teenagers placed on the registry
stay focused
So then will ACSOL FINALLY have an IN-PERSON Conference at Southwestern Law School in September???
? wtfudge what about raising the fund$??
NOW I’m gonna read into ALL of this BRB
Well then, it’ll be Safer for all then, we won’t get shot@. High Risk and C-19 may be looming besides The Pox. Justices are weaning other direction, not listening anyways.
Sorry RH, disregard other statement, just S H O C K E D is all. Proper Decision making. ACSOL and us will gain strengths in other ways and work on SAC Cap too. Maybe soon. THX ACSOL BOARD. Safety First.
everybody Safety should be Top priority As for people wanting to help This site is very obscure Not too many Registered People know about it I only found it from reading a news article A few years ago
“Support for an academic study”. Yeah, that’s what’s needed. Yet another study. The previous 100 that said registration was worthless didn’t get the point across, but I bet the 101st will do the trick.
them nuts are not afraid to speak up against gov intrusion. You can bet your bottom the feds are forming a database of known gun owners with all the same extraneous information in included on sex offender registries. YT posters & ATF action vids are available.