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Daam 10 years is a long time not to mention a lifetime of punishment on the registry, It saddens my heart to admit that this guy might have saved himself from a lifetime of Pain and misery

stay focused

Last edited 1 year ago by AERO1

Sadly, I think this is the preferred outcome our government would like to see us take.

But if he had swindled 1000s out of their life savings and caused THEM to take their lives, he would get 20 yrs ( maybe) out in 12 ( likely ) and probation with no further exposure.

A man from a rural part of my county did the same except he did it immediately when he got home after bonding out on signature after his arrest for molestation. He hadn’t been convicted yet! But he still took his own life by hanging himself. I believe these people forget they’re human before the commit suicide. I figure they each in error believed themselves irredeemable and couldn’t cope with that pain. That kinda public shame burns deep, especially for the God fearing. Sometimes a trial is hot as a forge. A truth is the cruelest and nastiest among us never internalize or feel that component; these are the truly irredeemable and not the guy in this story. His action proves this true in my eyes. The victim however must live with the facts too. I just guessing, but maybe she feels some kinda way too. American wasteland, to be sure.

I’m sure that many of us can identify with what this man had gone through. I believe that the vast majority of us, during various points of our journeys, gave consideration (of varying degrees) to the “option” of suicide. Perhaps some of us may still be considering this option.

I recall the day in 2012 that federal ICE agents came to my house to conduct a search (my offense – possession of CP). A few hours after the agents had left (I was not taken into custody), I was reading the local newspaper. There was a front-page article regarding a man (photo included) who had recently been arrested on federal CP charges. He was a few years younger than me (I was 64 yrs. old at the time). The article stated that the day before he had bonded out of the local jail, had returned home, and proceeded to commit suicide (with a gun). The man was well-respected in the community, married, with children, and had enjoyed a 30+ year career as a fireman. I can only imagine the emotional pain suffered by his family members and loved ones that he left behind.

And there but for the grace of God go I. I pray that anyone who may continue to be suffering to the point of considering this as an option finds relief, and reach out for help.

That poor man. These laws and penalties are out of control harsh. Downright draconian. People need to understand that most of the time it’s very doubtful that the people who do this kind of thing are doing it with a desire to hurt the child involved. I mean if they really wanted to hurt them that’s one thing, but it just isn’t the case most of the time.

Just to let anyone know who might be just entering the DOJ system. It really sucks, but it isn’t that bad, even prison isn’t that bad, it isn’t so bad that you need to take your life. Besides, the more people the government puts in this meat grinder the more support we have and the more it bogs down the system, and with ACSOL I believe this will end someday.

My heart felt sympathies to this person’s family. My spouse too considered this option in 2017 on the night before his day of sentencing. His mother and I were frantically looking for him when he returned home, an hour before court time, placed the device into his mother’s hands, got dress and went to court (in Orange County, CA) where he was sentenced and placed into prison for 12 years all for behind the screen offenses.

Prison has not been a cake walk for him or his family. However, he has served his time on the inside in a positive manner and will be getting out next year. It won’t be easy re-entering society and placed on the registry. But now after having come this far he has reflexed and commented that he is glad he stopped himself. Why did he not go through with it? He said it was that he thought about what media, law enforcement and the Orange County DA may print about him and how that would once again negatively harm our children.

As a spouse, parent and Christian I have always taken the approach that mistakes do not define a person. This journey came as a shock and has not been an easy road but today our children, now adults, are grateful that we as a family fought hard on his behalf. Especially when it came to fighting Child Protective Services. This has not been nor will be an easy journey emotionally, financially or socially. But what I realized was children do grow up and when our children became adults, they would want their father in their lives. So today our adult children and remaining family/friends are waiting for his release and his return to all of us.

To anyone out there please know there is light at the end of that darkness…ACSOL and all of you here have been a source of that light for our family…and ACSOL can/will be that light for you as well.

Why would he be chatting with a 14 year old? Set up or not, why do it?

Unbelievable. He was convicted of “….attempted enticement of a minor to engage in sexual activity and interstate travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct”.

He would probably have received less time if he had been convicted of attempted murder and interstate travel with intent to commit murder. 🤔😁😒