A licensed sex therapist and counselor sparked backlash on social media after posting a video where she appeared to defend “minor-attracted persons.”
“They are probably the most vilified population of folks in our culture,” Miranda Galbreath says in the video posted on YouTube titled “Let’s talk about minor-attracted persons.”
Galbreath goes on to explain that “most folks” make “incorrect assumptions” about “minor-attracted persons” and those assumptions “create harm for an already marginalized population.”
“The term pedophile has moved from being a diagnostic label to being a judgmental, hurtful insult that we hurl at people in order to harm them or slander them,” Galbreath insists in the video. “I also like to use person-first language that recognizes that any label we apply to a person is only part of who they are and doesn’t represent everything that they are.”
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Great video!! 😀🤗
Well worth watching and sharing!
(It could be useful in ongoing conversations I have had with close friends. 👍🏻 )
This is NOT helping our message one damn bit. In fact, her video will just play into the Q-Anon conspiracy narrative about how they want “pedophilia being normalized in society” This also plays into the “groomer” nonsense.
Truth, reality and nuance don’t matter.to these brainwashed individuals. Hate and resentment is the only thing they know and cling to.
“The video was widely condemned by conservatives on social media.”
Really? What’s Matt Gaetz’s position on this in light of his sexual allegations – especially with a minor?
I personally thought this was a great video, too, and I don’t believe it can harm any more than what people already believe, but if it changes just one person’s opinion, it is worth sharing. I have always said to my friends and family that I don’t think anyone would ever “choose” do be a certain way, knowing how much hatred it will create. The focus should be on what causes this attraction. Someone who is gay was treated horribly for their sexual orientation, and I can guarantee you, that is the reason many did not want to come out. I understand that being attracted to a Minor is not exactly the same as gay relationship are between adults (mostly), but my point is that those people most likely have no control over who they are attracted to. They know how they are being hated and threatened. So, in my opinion, they don’t put themselves in this type of position voluntarily. There has to be a better way to try and understand this, and I am not a psychologist, and neither are all of those who judge and condemn.
Ron DeSantis’s press secretary called this woman “evil.” Her Twitter bio has “John 15:18” in it, which is “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first.” Irony is lost on these people.
This lady has no idea what the Hell she’s talking about this will only make people believe sex offenders can’t control their urges on who their attracted to like straight or gay people,basically she saying people are born with pedophilia tendencies.
I don’t think she even believes this crap she’s just another person capitalizing off of the sex offender name for YouTube views just like those vigilante how to catch a predator stings popping up everywhere on YouTube and look it worked she got thousands of views, news coverage and new Subscribers I’m pretty sure nobody watched her channel before this.
Maybe I should start a YouTube channel and call it “In The Mind Of California Sex Offender” id probably get 1 million views in one week the way this country is obsessed with sex crimes and the people who committed them, or mybe ACSOL should start saying all kinds of crazy stuff on there YouTube channel and go viral and get some news coverage.
Most of you know that election year politics brings on tough on all crime rhetoric. On top of the usual blabber people like Lauren Boebert, a Qanon mouthpeice, is stacking the deck to distract from the possible Trump indictments. It’s going to get crazier and crazier and sitting ducks are easy to aim at. Be aware of your surroundings.
I think we need to remember a few things. 1. The term “minor” is an arbitrary age limit that has changed over the span of many a society’s existence. 2. Being attracted to a “minor” (14-18) , is , with exceptions, a completely natural occurring biological condition. It simply represents a young woman’s attractiveness to the opposite sex as she goes through the next stage of maturity. Why would a 16 yr old boy be attracted to a 14 yr old and a 40 yr old man not be other than a society making rules contradicting nature. 3. Being attracted does not mean a physical relationship is going to take place. It simply means that a certain amount of pleasure is had through the viewing of the other. 4. And this is arbitrary, but bear with me. In the extreme case of the population becoming endangered of extinction and needing to procreate to survive, I don’t think the powers that be would be saying, “ O.K. , but no one under 18”. That is of course unless they were from Florida!
Every time I hear about something like this I’m reminded of when I lived in Texas and all the middle-aged men who used to go to high school football games. Clearly they weren’t there to just watch the game, as their attention was pretty clearly focused on the cheerleaders much of the time. Good thing that none of those cheerleaders were minors (wink, wink) or these men would have been ‘minor attracted persons’.
This is much more common than anyone cares to admit. But, I don’t know of anyone on the registry or in prison strictly because of an attraction.
Unfortunately I never got to see the full video because the Qanuts only posted the part they wanted folks to see.
Let’s be clear: ACTING or PROMOTING child sexual attraction IS A CRIME and EXTREMELY EVIL. I can add dozens of other adjectives but stipulated that this is bad.
That said, we need to have an ability for people to prevent acting on criminal and evil actions. When people go to AA, they acknowledge that they are susceptible to alcohol and its negative consequences when abused. But there is no similar methodology to identify and help suppress, or eliminate, “minor attracted” tendencies without potentially exposing oneself to legal and criminal charges for crimethought.
In short, this person SUPPORTS the promotion of child sex impulses, and in my opinion, is EVIL. I support the PREVENTION of the promotion of child sex impusles. Huge difference and we will prevent FAR more crimes against children than any registry or any ostracization of people who want to change for the better. It’s really that simple.
How convenient, you dont see many comment sections anymore but i guess because its an election cycle the conservatives are going all out ,i wonder how many people are real and how many bots are thrown into the mix to change public opinion! probably 75% tech bots!
Maybe everyone forgot about the best selling book “Lolita” by Nabakov, also the subject of the Police song “Don’t Stand So Close To Me”.