General Comments Jan 2025

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It is ok to sexually assault someone and still qualify to lead the largest employer in the country per the person applying for the job in front of congress.

Throughout my registration, I have found the best therapy I could have had came from signing in to the ACSOL site. Reading what others have experienced did more for me than any session with a therapist. I even used it as a deterrent when I thought about viewing porn. I would read what others had gone through, what they thought and what helped them. Those comments would stop me in my tracks. These days I use my experience to hopefully guide others and get them through this. What I’m trying to say is even though I have never met anyone here, I truly love all of you for being there for me. For calling me out and for holding my hand. 🙏🏼 🫶🏻 🫡 🤝

Last edited 25 days ago by Way too long

I’m having difficulties with my mandated treatment. I am a biological female, served all my time in a female prison. I do have facial hair. I take no hormones. I have PCOS and have been diagnosed such. I can’t shave it leaves behind a rash. CDCR and the sex treatment has continually placed me in a all male group, when I specifically asked for a female group.

In a face to face group, the clinician exposed my sex to other people in the group; which had caused a sexual assault from a man in the group. The program did nothing about it, protected the man. I’m now in a telehealth remote treatment with other men. I’m not a man. I don’t have experience with ejaculation or prostrate problems. When I spoke with an agent of parole, he said they are starting a group for transgenders, I’m not a transgender. I’m a female who takes no hormones, all female genitalia.

This sex treatment program has refused to give me a copy of my yearly assessment which was done November 2024. I meet the criteria to be released from supervision. I was released April 2023.

I find many municipalities in the State of Texas violate state law in adoption of various restrictions against registered people. The state law violations I encounter are from small municipalities with less than 5,000 people and are classified by state as general law municipalities. These type of municipalities can only adopt ordinances expressly authorized by the state and many of the various ordinances containing restrictions I encountered were not expressly authorized by the state. While on the registry I have not lived in any municipalities with illegal ordinances but I encounter them all the time when doing research regarding real estate. I guess either the registered people living under illegal ordinances have no money to fight or are ignorant of their legal rights.

It is that time of of the season again. Every two years the Texas state legislature meets. And at every session, multiple bills are filed to put more and more restrictions on registered people who are not on probation or parole, taking away the constitutional rights of these people. It never ends, session after session. In my opinion, the bills do not consider any of the facts related to the issues and the bills are all based upon either hatred or fear or both. I am tired of politicians putting forth bills that take away constitutional rights.

Anyone have any case law info on petitions that were not dealt with correctly? It looks like the police department did not forward their report findings to the DA for relief of registration. The time elapsed on December 14th. The code is unclear on it so I am looking to see if anyone knows of any cases like this? While it’s obvious the court will give the da more time, it doesn’t say it’s allowed but rather that the police department has 60 days to complete the report and send it to the DA. It seems like there would be argument for a default. If you say more time if needed, what law or case says that it is? I’m just looking for information either way with facts on case law. Thank you!

Different issue but the same argument.$$$
We need to present the issue in a well-written evidence-based way.

“It just cannot work. It won’t work. It is a budget buster,” wrote ​​Republican Reps. Ed Diehl and Virgle Osborne, along with Democrat Rep. David Gomberg and Republican Sen. Bruce Starr.
“A billion-dollar price tag for this project should get the attention of everyone on the Trump team [who is] concerned about government efficiency,” Diehl wrote.
“This plan will swallow up Americans’ hard-earned tax dollars for no good reason.”

Last edited 22 days ago by pat

I wonder if any of us was included on that massive list of 2500 people that Pres Biden pardoned yesterday 🤔
Nah…..the Chinese spie was likely the only and the last to be pardoned with a sex crime. And that wasn’t really a pardon, but a sentence commutation for a prisoner swap. So it’s safe to assume that we’ll remain untouchable, no matter who’s in office

Appeal your registry tier? Is there a way to appeal it?

I was placed on Tier 3 and this year would be my 10th on the registry, meaning a COR would remove me. That’s not an option anymore. I have 1203.4 and 17b.

I don’t think it’s possible but the reality is starting to get to me. Wasn’t supposed to be this way. … The State thinks PFR are sub human?

Not to go off on a tangent, but over 200 violent felons were just pardoned and released without supervision. Yet I have to beg, jump through hoops and cross my fingers that I am released , ONLY IN CALIFORNIA, of a non violent , non contact 10 yr old misdemeanor that I did zero incarceration time for. Now I know why Lady Justice is wearing that blindfold. So she doesn’t have to see what a corrupt disaster the justice system has become.

Does anyone else find it somewhat irritating when people tell you to “keep out of trouble” when you’ve kept out of trouble for decades? I really wonder if they say the same to murderers, drug dealers, or others when they haven’t comitted another crime in decades. It’s as if they think because it was a sexual conviction you’re bound to do it again.

I’m very grateful that many of the people who got put on the registry are participating in the zoom supporter meetings including me. I hear a lot of the participants complain about the government officials making the law tougher and tougher for us registrants as time passes. I want to report to all of you that I personally have many friends who are not on the registry themselves. Many still look at me and smile at me and interact with me. I attend church regularly, and the head priest and the members believe that I have casted away the demons and took in the Holy Spirit which leads me to be caring, compassionate, empathetic, and considerate to society. I also got lucky when I got allowed to enter into Korea for a vacation trip when I flew there. Nobody at the airport of the destination seemed to care that I had a past crime case. I freely toured around Korea for a whole month without any legal obstacles. I truly have faith that we, the clients, will be able to stand up and speak for ourselves in the legislative committee meetings and get the officials to abolish the registration

Been on registry 31 years in Missouri. No conviction, a SIS, which means no felony or misdemeanor on my record. Beat it twice in Missouri Supreme court and still a tier 3. Two traffic tickets in that time. You would think that the ex post facto would be relatively easy to win, but this is mind-boggling. There was no registry at that time. Put on retroactively.

Another potential outgrowth of being on the registry is this:

I was left a mysterious voicemail yesterday morning very early from an alleged individual who represents a law enforcement’s office civil services division telling me I missed a grand jury appointment that I was supposed to make. The problem of it was is it was scheduled for January 20th this year, which as you know was a federal holiday recognizing the life of an individual. So more information that’s out there, the more these scams can be run against people on a registry. Thought you all would like to know that’s going on.

I committed my (attempted rape of a 30yo woman) crime in 2012. I did my time plus the 3 years of Parole and was off of all that in 2016 . I am a changed man I don’t drink or use drugs anymore and being 73 is an important factor too. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about the stupid act than I did .Everything was going smoothly in my life however I am disabled temporarily (I hope) waiting for a new “Hip”.
Last week I suffered a woman intruder entering my house and started yelling at me that I had raped her , I told her that I did not even know her ! my nephew had to throw her out of the house she then was arrested by the Sherrif a block away charged and taken to jail she is the ;leader of 2 other girls who are trying to extort money from me they are a former girlfriend the other one is my victim , who the court said I should NEVER EVER CONTACT contact. They want $60,000 dollars $20,000 apiece . they are threatening to take me to court to get this money and if I paid this amount, it would be easy way out instead of hiring a lawyer and going to court ! I get text messages from her and then a phone call saying Pay Up!.
I am ignoring her right now , this seems like extortion to me . Have any of you ever had this problem and what did you do ? This is absolutely the only site that i can share this story . God bless all of you !

I made a promise to myself that if I ever gotten off the registry, I would go back and help people placed on the registry between the ages of 17-19.
Today I was granted a first time buyer’s loan from BOA to buy my first house. I’m gonna turn it into a transitional living home, I haven’t come up with a name yet and I haven’t got my LLC yet but everything is in the works.

I have been a registrant for 22 years. I was very annoyed and irritated due to receiving so many restrictions on my probation. I was even more angry when SB 384 took effect, and I got assigned to Tier 3. One weird thing that I’m going through in the present time is that when I go out to various places out in public, the people near me or around me don’t show any sign of fear. In many fast-food restaurants like McDonald’s, Jack in the Box, Carl’s Jr., etc. many of the front desk clerks are young adult women who look like age 18-25. They just welcome me in, take my order, and serve me like a normal person as any other. Even when I took vacation trips to Vietnam and Korea within the last 2 years, the citizens in those countries did not look at me as a criminal, but as a regular nice, noble person. The people I approached there smiled at me and talked with me like a friend. One really frustrating thing I’m going through now is the rejection that I get from the political officials. I tried sending my personal recovery story to the DOJ, and my local senate office. They only told me that they can’t listen to me or help me. They said I have to find another way to seek abolition of the registration. The one thing that helps me keep my heart strong and hopeful is that as time passes, more and more people recognize me as a good person who casted the evil spirits out of me.

Illinois update. The Chicago400 organization is working with a state Senator who will sponsor two bills that, if successful, will result in the following:

(1) Housing banishment zones will shrink from 500 feet to 250 feet. Home day cares will be taken off the banishment list. (2) Once you register an address, you will be “grandfathered” in. Once you have housing, you will not be forced to move due to banishment. (3). No weekly registration if homeless.  

The 2nd bill will abolish registration fees for ALL public conviction registries. For everyone. 

The bills are drafted. We need everyone in IL to help get the votes. We are forming district teams to explain to senators and reps what is going on and how these bills will positively impact not just PFRs but their districts and the state. We need our stories and statements. We will need witness slips submitted when closer to committee. I don’t have the bill numbers yet, but please contact the Chicago400 to get involved:

Call or text a C400 leader: (220) 244-4002 Email: Follow: Twitter @Chicago400 Visit:

I am working on my district team. It is not easy getting people involved, but my son’s treatment providers agreed to write supporting statements to the three Senators in the districts they are located. We are meeting monthly on the first Saturday of each month (next up on Feb 1). Please stand up and speak up.

Regarding California’s CASOMB and “treatment” requirements for parolees:

I live in the Bay Area and have been on parole since January 2024 for robbery. Back in 1995, however, when I was 15, I screwed around with a 13-year-old and was charged with lewd acts, a felony for which I spent 7+ years in the California Youth Authority.

Today, I am required to attend “treatment” and wear an ankle monitor. I cannot have social media. I cannot visit my parents because there is a school on their street. The “treatment” provider (“Hope Program”) has me classified as high-risk based on my Static-99 risk assessment score, even though the offense was 30 years ago and I was a teenager myself. My scores on other risk assessments are literally the lowest you can get.

Nearly everyone in my group, and in the other groups I’ve been in, should not be classified as high risk. Yet the program has kept them in that classification for years.

I have recently discovered that Hope Program offers PROFIT SHARING to their lead clinicians as a perk. I saw it with my own eyes on their recruiting webpage. This piqued my interest because, if I understand it correctly, that means the clinician has a financial motive, and incurs a financial gain, from keeping us in the high-risk category, requiring additional groups and thus more billable hours.

In addition, the lead clinician (who recently departed) had been creating treatment notes that were entirely fabricated to justify keeping us at a higher level of treatment.

How is this not a conflict of interest, an abuse of discretion, and outright illegal?

Mississippi “contraception begins at erection act” bill. Basically, any ejaculation that is not meant for contraception, will face criminal penalties. Here is the language in the bill.

(1) This section shall be known and may be cited as the “Contraception Begins at Erection Act.”

(2) It shall be unlawful for a person to discharge genetic material without the intent to fertilize an embryo.

(3) Upon conviction of a violation of this section, a person shall be fined:

(a) One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) for a first offense; (b) Five Thousand Dollars ($5000.00) for a second offense; and

(c) Ten Thousand Dollars (10,000.00) for a third or subsequent offense.

(4) This section shall not apply to the discharge of genetic material:

(a) Donated or sold to a facility for the purpose of future procedures to fertilize an embryo; and

(b) Discharged with the use of a contraceptive or contraceptive method intended to prevent fertilization of an embryo.

So basically from what I read, almost every male in the world will be fined many many many times! What in the world does this Democrat think this bill will prevent????

If any John Does are available in Fresno this Tuesday or Wednesday (1/28 or 1/29) to testify about the general nature of PC 290 registration in the criminal defense of HabitualAbider’s jury trial (, it would be much appreciated if you would find and show up to the case being tried by Judge Sanderson in department 53. Or just to show up for general support. You might not understand or appreciate some of HabitualAbider’s choices, or the last minute procrastination, but he would appreciate the support or help.
After showing up to the registration office at the statutory required times and providing the information required to allow surveillance, he was arrested and faces conclusory failure to register charges for 2023 and 2024. He has still not been informed what requirement of the registration Act he may have “willingly failed to meet,” but that’s not something an oppressive seeming government has cared to clarify. They did not provide adequate responses to his questions at the registration office or any other time.
He has been in custody awaiting trial since November. The trial is scheduled to start tomorrow in the Fresno Superior Court and the Judge named above may be a presiding judge who assigns it to a different trial court. I’ll provide updates this week as they may occur. A good outcome here will promote our cause of constitutonaliy.

Here’s some Qs for everyone.

How many here have been able to start or at least maintain a personal relationship with a person since being placed on Registry?

How many have any interest in starting a personal relationship since………?

How many lost that relationship after……..?

I myself have not been able to or have really put any effort into it. I also don’t plan to after release from my obligations. I have lost interest in that part of my life and now just want to enjoy my interests. I found out that doesn’t include the human race.

Was just watching a crime drama that involved spousal sex abuse. The couple had a son. After pleading guilty, the judge ordered the defendant on the registry until the son turned 18.
While this is a T.V. Drama, it also brings up an interesting approach to registry.
Why not, instead of a set length of time on registry, especially with cases involving minors, the PFR be on until the victim(s) in the case reach legal age. This could theoretically cut people’s time on registry down to a few yrs or even months. Of course it could also extend the current registration length as well. So it could be set up for which ever is shorter.
feedback? Ideas? Comments?

I am reading online that a individual from an African country was extradited to this country to face charges resulting from their sexortion scheme of an American male minor. So it’s going to be interesting to see how this plays out.

I have coffee at a local Denny’s every so often. I have become friends with the Hispanic manager there. We were talking and I commented that traffic was lighter than usual. His response was, “ Yeah, people are scared to be out these days”. I’m sure he meant the ICE raids that have already been happening here in San Jose. I thought about when I was first convicted. While only getting probation, I still was nervous each time I encountered law enforcement. Putting a target on a person is not the way an enlightened society operates.