WA: Dogs trained to sniff out electronic devices help catch child predators

Source: katv.com 8/22/22

WASHINGTON (TND) — Chewie is one of this country’s most highly-trained work dogs.

He works on the front lines in the fight to track down child predators by detecting and locating electronic storage devices. There are less than 100 canines certified to do this type of work. and Todd Jordan has trained nearly 70 of them.

The dogs are trained to indicate on things such as thumb drives, SD cards, microSD cards, anything they can hold or store images that can be used in child sexual abuse materials,” says Jordan.

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Gotta love media’s overly misuse of the word “child predator” when accusing people of possessing CP. Perpetuate the ignorance!

Law Enforcement must be loving all this money coming into training dogs to look for their precious beloved CP… it’s like collecting Pokémon for them.

Why not focus on the 97% of people who commit sexual offenses who are not on the registry? Why focus on the 3%? I presume those dogs can only be brought into a residence of someone on probation or parole so that person would be in the 3%.

Why not instead spend the money on educational preventative programs for children and parents to learn and recognize grooming behaviors to help prevent abuse and hopefully stop some of the 97% people?

Notice the article didn’t report ONE SINGLE COUNT of the dogs finding media containing what the headline implies. Based on that, I would guess that number is around none.

Bet they keep him away from police stations and politicians……………. 🤣 .
Like a “Predator” at that level Carries the stuff around with them. Another “Look what we are doing to stop the unstoppable” moment.

Last edited 2 years ago by Along for the ride

Now they got dogs looking for your PHONES, why Don’t they take them dogs and their whole task force get suited up and go door to door spreading awareness of child abuse and letting parents know what the consequences are for not keeping a close watch on their children and letting children know that they can speak out, they’re not alone and give the children cards and websites and numbers of people they can contact if something like that occurs and actually try to stop crime instead of indulging in it

If that dog starts humping my leg can it be charged with sexual battery?

Money and resources are never spent on prevention. Until they start matching dollars for prevention I will never be convinced they give a damn about any child. It is all about making themselves feel good.

Notice the actual number of child predators caught using this system.

It’s 0.

Yet KATV reports that the dogs are “playing a critical role.” Investigative journalism at its finest!

Just to be clear: While the fact that people should not be indulging in illegal activity involving sex, in light of current government malfeasance across the board, pretty soon people with unpopular political opinions will be targeted in such a manner. In short, just like the sex offender registry conditioned the populace about the viability of other registries like domestic and animal abuse registries, searching for electronic storage devices that started, and was technically developed, with registrants will be expanded to the average citizen in the (very) near future.

“First, they came for the sex offenders…”

Last edited 2 years ago by Eric Knight

Isn’t this animal abuse along with being exploitative and fundamentally controversial? They need to be turned into PETA.

It’s especially troubling how the trainer claims he’s already trained 70 dogs. Like that was really something to be proud of..

Has anyone else noticed that CP is now “Child Sexual Abuse Materials”. As if CP was not accurate and had to be updated to something more vague, less accurate, and way scarier sounding. Maybe instead of CSAM they should call it SCAM? CP possession is the new Boogeyman dejour if you hadn’t noticed.