MN: YouTube vigilante on mission to expose sexual predators faces his own sex assault charges

Source: 10/21/22

Chase Johnston’s YouTube channel has thousands of views from videos in which he confronts people he views as sexual predators. One county has declined to follow up on his reports. Another has decided to pursue charges. In all of this, Johnston has been charged with multiple crimes against two of the men he’s accused, including one accusation of sexual assault.

ROCHESTER, MN — Chase Johnston began his crusade to hunt down alleged child predators earlier this year.

The Rochester man, 28, taking a cue from the now-defunct NBC show “To Catch a Predator,” confronts men who he believes are potential child predators, luring them to a location and filming their responses after being confronted. Each of Johnston’s videos have garnered thousands of views as he and his vigilante group confront individuals.

His group, Midwest Predator Catchers – Rochester, aggressively goes after people they believe are trying to lure children in for sex. They pose as children in online forums.

Johnston has a long history of drug and theft charges, and he was civilly committed last year for six months due to his drug addiction.

“I’ve struggled with heroin addiction on and off since I was about 19 years old,” Johnston said. “I’m actively working on staying sober and being a better person.”

Johnston is currently facing charges in Olmsted County related to a June 2022 incident in which he allegedly assaulted the mother of his child and threatened to kill her family members.

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What are the odds that these feel-good fluff pieces encourage more people to do these stupid bait and switch stings? Pretty good, I would think.

The easy way to stop this sort of thing would be to charge them with inducing others to commit a crime. Every state has such laws and should start enforcing them. But given that most DAs and judges are elected, that’ll never happen.

This is from Rochester, MN, not Rochester, NY

A report clearly describing how the DDI enables wholly or exacerbates criminal activities. It happens every day. Yet the database driven SOR was marketed as a way to prevent or circumvent interpersonal violence. They call it a regulatory scheme, however regulatory databases are not databases that change the control data within them.
Think of a chip in an automobile that optimize and control air: fuel ratios. The regulatory tables within it are, as they must be, fixed values, and cannot function properly( or at all) with variable values in the tables. Databases filled with non fixed values cannot actually perform regulatory function.

The Rochester of this article is in Minnesota. It’s a small city just down the river from me here in St. Paul.

One of these so-called “predator hunters” is going to find out the hard way that one of their victims has a CCW permit and I hope it’s streamed live.

This guy is a criminal himself. He’s a druggie, a thief, a wife beater and accused rapist. What’s wrong with people like him? He wants to project all his criminal behavior and sexual deviancy onto other folks. A gay guy was just chatting with a 14 old boy, and the police even confirmed there was nothing sexual about it. Yet this thug Chase Johnson wants to play the police by getting his gang of friends together to confront this man and strike him in the balls. Who does sh*t like that? I hope they lock Chase up for a long time. The man is obviously mental

Last edited 1 year ago by J. Brown

Time wounds all heels.

I went on his YouTube Site and basically exposed him by linking this article on 4 of his most recent videos. I guess we can be called ‘ West Coast predator buster Busters!’ 😎

As I’ve always said: these people that beat the drum and publically parade against others are just trying to drown out their own demons!

It doesn’t matter what kind of crimes you committed in this country all you have to do is say I hate sex offenders and all your sins are forgiven, like A Catholic confession. 🙏

Pertaining to the sexual assault charge: “The criminal complaint in that case alleges that Johnston struck the man in the genitals and face.” I watched the videos, which were edited of course. Was there a sexual content, desire, etc… I say no. An assault yes, a sexual assault, no. But, and there’s always a but, what does the law say?

Ever here the saying “you can leave prison but prison never leaves you?” I doubted that saying but Chase changed my mind.

“Johnston has a long history of drug and theft charges, and he was civilly committed last year for six months due to his drug addiction.

“I’ve struggled with heroin addiction on and off since I was about 19 years old,” Johnston said.

“I’m actively working on staying sober and being a better person.”

Johnston is currently facing charges in Olmsted County related to a June 2022 incident in which he allegedly assaulted the mother of his child and threatened to kill her family members.”

Next up is fat boy Alex of PP Southeast Texas will be bust with CP. I’ll give it less the 19 years we all be watching it on the news and YouTube.

Well, well, well. Lookie here, good ladies and gentleman:

See that?? A 19-year-old, “Gabe”, is a “predator” for having an online chat with somehow who is hardly that much younger than himself….

It’s like these vigilantes don’t have better things to do, and not enough criminals to fill their time of day. So, they have to make up criminals in order to satisfy their angry mob audience.

At any rate, I have half a mind to report this video for internet bullying. I also don’t know if there’s any criminal violation that I can report Johnston to the police on. Disturbing the Piece perhaps? Public mischief? Physical assault? (He did shove the young boy in the video, after all.)

Hell, if I only knew this young humanly-innocent guy in person, and assuming that he didn’t actually commit any crimes (which, chances are, he didn’t), I would encourage him to contact ACSOL/NARSOL/some-other-SOL to assist him in filing a lawsuit.

Last edited 1 year ago by "AC"

I strongly believe that he is a sexual predator, just not on the hit list yet. He is taking the supposed light off his own guilt and paranoia by doing this strange thing. Obviously he had no real job and uses drugs. What a loser!!

Hahaha ……. it only effects me, if it only effects me. ☝🏼 bet he’s not laughing anymore.

Somebody got some of his videos removed 🙂

Removed videos.png