FL:What’s behind the recent uptick in local child predator arrests?

PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. (CBS12) — This week, we have seen an alarming number of child predators arrested.

Is that because there are more cases out there, or is law enforcement getting better at catching these criminals?

Indian River County Sheriff Eric Flowers credits that success largely to social media sites and app developers, that are helping to weed out bad actors.

“A lot of these platforms have really complied, not just with our requests for subpoenas, but really been somewhat voluntary with us,” he told CBS12 News. “These companies have worked with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to provide information tips are leading us directly to the perpetrators.”

Callahan Walsh at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) says those tips are vital to cracking cases, and he says reporting is happening more than ever.

“I think what’s behind increase in the busts is great reporting and great action taken by law enforcement…the reporting systems are better, social media platforms are making it easier for people to report,” Walsh opined. “Last year, we received over 36 million reports to our Cyber Tip line, and we’ve already seen numbers surpass that this year.”

In St. Lucie County, deputies arrested a man this week for possessing child porn.

An employee at T-Mobile tipped off the sheriff’s office, after he saw the disturbing images on the suspect’s phone.

Sheriff Keith Pearson says observant communities are crucial to catching these criminals…




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Instinct tells me it’s an increasing number of stupid bait and switch stings. And probably a few false claims as well.

Please note that nowhere is it mentioned in the article that those being arrested are already registered. Just more evidence that the registry is useless.

The answer to the question of “is there more predators out there or are the cops getting better at catching them is” neither. The number of “predators” out there is still the same, and the cops are still the same as the Keystone Cops. The difference is that they are arresting more of the ones they caught a long time ago but did not move on because they are trying to justify the need for a new piece of legislation to hurt our community that has yet to be announced. I am sure Lauren and her daddy have something very nefarious and damaging to us and the constitution up their sleeves. That they need to create a climate of heightened fear before they dare unveil it or it would be shouted down.

What’s I’m actually hearing is the registry does less than zero to curb these things

“Is that because there are more cases out there, or is law enforcement getting better at catching these criminals?
Indian River County Sheriff Eric Flowers credits that success largely to social media sites and app developers, that are helping to weed out bad actors.”

So one becomes a “bad actor” when they don’t snitch on their subscribers? Does sniffing the b** crack of LEOs make one a “good actor”?

One arrest doesn’t make an increase technically all things given in Florida. Also, where’s the data behind these folks who are locally arrested? Shouldn’t the public be aware of this to “protect” themselves? More blowhard streaming like Judd.

It’s time to deep-six the NCMEC because it’s pseudo child-safety government entity that only exists to promote fear and hate propaganda. Hope it’s on Musk’s “to do” list.

i few years back maybe 10 or so i faintly remember a case of bestbuy employees constantly reporting to police not sure if they were paid per tip but what i remember is someone saying the informants are part of the police and if they had intent on reporting to police what they see in a persons computer then they are in fact acting on behalf of law enforcement and a search warrant would of been needed. not sure the outcome of that argument

In the full article, there is a reference to “36 million Tips” being sent to NCMEC “Cyber tip” system.

In 365 days there are 31,536,000 seconds. So there is slightly better that 1 “suspicious act” per second, 24*7*365, about 98,000 per day. If this were true, and if even just 1% of these “Attempted Predations” were “successful, there would be nearly 1,000 “Internet Victims” a day, and that’s presuming that all “Suspicious Acts” get reported!

What are the odds the Karen Collective actually spots ever single suspicious act? Fairly small, but let’s presume they do, at a 1% “success rate”, we get a new “Child victim of Internet Predation” every 90 seconds, 34*7*365. More “Unreported Attempts” there are, more victims you get! You could easily get these numbers to >1/minute.

Or perhaps, most of these “Reports” are 🐎💩?

How long does a “Suspicious Act” take? There needs to be 68 per minute every minute of every day to meet the “Daily Quota”. So 68 “Predators” banging out 1/minute mass production style at all times? Perhaps 98,000 “Predators” each “Hand Crafting” 1 attempt per day, everyday? Not sure how this works, all I know is you need around 98,000 “Acts” per day, assuming that no “Acts” go unnoticed by the Karens. If there are any “unreported acts” there needs to be more “Predators”.

The article talks a lot about ‘child predators’, but only mentions someone being arrested for having child pornography. There is a big difference between looking at csam and actually attempting to meet and sexually abuse children through the internet. Studies show there is no causal relationship between viewing porn and engaging in sexually abusive behavior, adult or child. More scaremongering.

NCMEC has been lying their asses off since Ernie Allen founded it in 1984. Let’s see, how many hundreds of thousands of kids were being kidnapped every year, did he say? Virtually no organization or individual ever paid a price for whipping the country up into a frenzy of hysteria that is still with us, today.