ACSOL, Foundation Board Members Identify 2023 Priorities

Members of both ACSOL and Family Safety Foundation (FSF) boards of directors conducted their annual face-to-face meeting yesterday to discuss challenges facing registrants and their families.  During that meeting, the boards identified two top priorities for the year 2023: improvements to the Tiered Registry Law and suing the CA Department of Justice for its expected failure to assign tiers to all registrants.

ACSOL will lead the challenge of improving the Tiered Registry because it will require lobbying the state legislature in Sacramento.  Proposed improvements include reduced tier reductions for those convicted of non-production CP offenses as well as for those convicted of PC 288(c), PC 288.2 and all attempted offenses.  Proposed improvements also include the creation of an off-ramp for those assigned to Tier 3 so that they will become eligible to petition for removal after 30 years provided that they have not been convicted of a subsequent sex offense.

The FSF will lead the effort to challenge the CA Department of Justice regarding its expected failure to assign tiers to all registrants.  The state agency has a deadline of December 31, 2022, to assign tiers to all registrants and at least 10 percent, or about 10,000, registrants have not yet received tier assignments.  Registrants who lack a tier assignment cannot petition for removal from the registry even though they are otherwise eligible.  

“The California Department of Justice has had more than five years to assign tiers to all registrants.  In addition, it is reported that the agency was provided with an additional 60 employees for this purpose,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “The agency’s expected failure to assign all registrants to a tier is unconscionable because it will harm registrants as well as their families.”

In addition to the two top priorities, ACSOL and the FSF will devote resources to other issues important to registrants and their families as they surface.  In order to achieve its objectives both ACSOL and the FSF will conduct fundraising efforts in the near future.

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I have mixed feelings about all this. On the one hand, I am tremendously grateful for these efforts. I am filled with gratitude that the wonderfully kind people that make up these heroic organizations are continuing to press for my rights, wellbeing and justice. I am overwhelmed with gratitude and hope that these efforts will improve my life, and the lives of all others forced into this abomination…including the family members and loved ones trapped in this injustice through no fault of their own.

However, everyday this monster is allowed to live, it wrecks havoc in the lives of those forced to register, and those around them. My term of additional, inhumane punishment is only just 9 years so far. A blink of an eye compared to the decades others have suffered under this injustice. The thought of spending the rest of my life like this, is crushing. Even another 21 years, or as little as another 11 makes little impact on this. The toll this abomination has already taken, my career, my family, my friends, and any semblance of safety…makes another decade or two trapped in the illusion of life that I lead…seem… daunting.

My thanks to all fighting on for all that are trapped by this cruel monster. Every victory matters, and every effort is appreciated.

What ever happened to challaging the rules for sex offenders to be eligible for Victim of Crimes funds in case we get assaulted or murdered? This one should be an easy win.

Off ramp is a great start!

We should also prioritize recipients of 1204.3 and CoR to get off sooner or to reduce their Tiers from life to 20 years.

Obviously, the best thing in the world is the abolishing of the Registry in the first place but I’ll graciously accept any effort to bring non-production CP conviction cases off of tier 3(absurd placement to begin with).

Thank you ACSOL!

So there is not even talk about those with a 1203.4 that are publicly listed?

we definatelly need pc311 changed from lifetime to 10 years. Just shows you how CORRUPT the US GOVERNMENT is !!

Good on FSF, the DDI being the far larger & preventable threat to child rearing. FSF could thank SCOTUS for increasing the distance between fed power and child rearing– or not. However that still doesn’t excuse Mr. Alito for his words during his confirmation.
Precedent he vowed to uphold. I thought only politicians flip-flop.
I was wrong, but still few know essentially lied in the long run.

I’m considering a book “A practical guide to FTR defense.”
How about 1000 Mr. Brooks(s) only without the running over people exercising their right to Christmas parading part? @FTR

I for one am very grateful for all ACSOL efforts and want to Thank the board for it’s considerations.

Thanks Janice for your efforts. What about 243.4(a)? That’s the one thing holding me back (and probably many others) from being in T2. I have my 288(a) oddly currently placed as T2 so hopefully that doesn’t change.

In regards to 30yrs for T3, that’s really a devastating length of time. If I had no other off ramp except that, I would be an old man with nothing else to look forward to by the time I get off. Why not shoot for 25 yrs or less?

So this is great news, thanks Janice. However, what about cases with a 243.4(a)? One would think that with 288(a) being a T2, 243.4(a) would also be T2 but instead, it’s still a T3.