UK: Mum killed paedophile, 77, after he abused her three children and changed his name to hide

Source: 11/24/22

A mother who killed her children’s 77-year-old abuser is now campaigning to stop paedophiles from being able to change their names. Sarah Sands stabbed Michael Pleasted eight times in 2014, after her children said he had sexually abused them.

Pleasted is thought to have ingratiated himself with the family as a friendly and helpful neighbour on the east London estate they were living in.Usually found sitting outside a nearby newsagent, Ms Sands said earlier today: “I thought he was a lovely old man. I cooked for him, looked after him, always kept him company when I had the time.”

It later emerged that he had changed his name from Robin Moult to conceal a litany of child sexual abuse.

Ms Sands told BBC Breakfast: “For paedophiles, if you touch children, there have to be consequences.

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Is their background check system so out of date that it can’t keep track of name changes?

Always boggles my mind that governments spend millions of dollars for systems to track us, and then contend that there is no way to cross reference a name change.

This is not a name change problem, it’s a computer coding problem that could easily be solved by their IT department if they wanted. The government knows full well that he changed his name and could easily enter the cross reference into the system.

In the comments section of the article, a person asks why isn’t this woman in prison. And another person responds that you didn’t read the article–she got 7 years. The person probably meant to say why isn’t she STILL in prison? Seems like even in Britain, courts excuse vigilant killings when it comes to sexual abuse

Well what was she supposed to do she felt disrespected, betrayed, taken advantage of, most of all she felt responsible for what happened to them in the first place.
I personally don’t think she was trying to take the law in her own hands, I think she did it, to regain the love, trust and respect of her boys because in the back of her mind she knows one day they’ll grow up and have children of their own and ask her how did let this happen to us, so in a since she kinda did what she had to do to protect her family’s integrity

Meanwhile, Reece commented that it was “nice knowing that he was dead”, but noted: “It didn’t stop any afterthoughts, you know, we would often wake up crying ‘where’s mum?’”

You know what’s worse than getting molested as a child? Losing a parent. Absolutely no comparison. And in the West we subject nearly half of working class children to lives of single-parenthood, or worse. And yet we claim to put children’s well-being above all else. Ha! And the only reason this whole ordeal happened was because this desperate single mother needed an old man’s
help. You’re not stabbing and jailing your way out of this problem, Western nations. And yeah, the entire article is utterly worthless because the UK already tracks name changes for registrants. They just don’t publish their registry so this mom couldn’t depend on a Google search to tell her that her neighbor/savior was a good guy.

Look at that glare, smarmy entitlement and the same life-less eyes of Elizabeth Holmes. She’s more disgruntled mother than a victim.

What does this have to do with Black Friday???

What the title misinforms you of, is that he was never sentenced on the abuse of her children. He kept on claiming his innocence, so really the title should read, accused abuser, but of course you know the media never plays things correctly. The media will play it that he was 100% guilty. The media also gives the reason why he changed his name, to conceal the litany of child sexual abuse. But do we really know the real reason why he changed his name? We will never know as this woman in Cold blood killed him. I’m glad she got the time. I think she should have got more.

She said the reason she went over there was to Make him admit to the charges , so her kids would not have to go on the stand , yet saying nothing about the evidence her self , No Proof ! this is the issue with shooting first and asking questions later , And I don’t care how sweet or nice someone is , never blind trust anyone with your kids , as far as I am concerned she got small time for murder this is the message she wants to send her kids and everyone else’s children, to murder when not wanting to take responsibility for ones own screw up . I trusted no one with my kids , for people to put any trust at all in a stupid list is dangerous for everyone involved . and as far as changing ones name goes I don’t know how it works over in Bug Tussle , but here in the oppressive USA they still got you made , oh no their will be no freedom here so don’t be worried that we are all out driving ice cream trucks , and running child care centers because they change their names ! how frigging foolish