CA: Nearly 140 arrested in Southern California child sex abuse raids

Source: 7/26/23

139 people were arrested in a sweeping multi-agency crackdown on child sex abuse and child pornography this month, the Los Angeles Police Department announced Wednesday.

The crackdown, dubbed Operation Online Guardian, involved over 100 agencies that comprise LAPD’s Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force.

“Child exploitation is one of the most horrendous crimes affecting our most vulnerable members of the community,” Joe McNally, Assistant U.S. Attorney General, said at a news conference Wednesday morning. “Through these crimes, predators target those who can’t protect themselves.”

The operation unfolded in two phases.

In the first, officers went undercover on social media to identify individuals who were trafficking child porn, LAPD said. The second phase involved executing search warrants in five Southern California counties.

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More proof that the registry does not protect anything except the salaries of those who run it!

Well let’s just hope that eventually their resources get stretched so thin, that they won’t be able to arrest us. It’s not like they’re ever going to stop wanting to after all. Abolish the police.

The only reason they decided to provide an offramp for tier 1-2 offenders is to make room for the new wave of sex offenders the “INTERNET PREDATORS” this was their planned approach regarding the new California tier law SB384 from the beginning.
On the news yesterday A 14yo girl from Arizona who went missing 4 1/2 years ago, walked into a police station an asked to be removed from the missing and exploited children’s list, she had just turned 18.
Her mother along with the FBI said it’s a miracle she’s alive and they believe she was lured away by somebody she met on the Internet, the FBI is still investigating her disappearance.
Cases like that are why the government is going after all these so called cyber predators, they have become obsessed with them.
Looks like law enforcement agencies, along with the DA office will be dumping all their time and resources into cyber crimes against children all through out the nation.

Here’s the big question, how many were on the Registry??? Bet NONE. Let’s just keep perpetuating the myth that PFRs are a danger to the public.

“Child exploitation is one of the most horrendous crimes affecting our most vulnerable members of the community”

So, when are we going to go after child pageants and shows like Dance Moms and basically the entire thing in the Netflix documentary Cuties? All those things are just legal child exploitation.

failed to register meaning the person never registered after they were released from custody. This doesn’t mean the person was on the registry and meanwhile that person(s) were committing crimes . Which is it ?

Ironic how law enforcement every year around the same time in July, (which is when cities and police departments need to justify their budget) will hold these raids and boast in the media all over SoCal.

What a relief that these predators are off the streets. Oh wait….they weren’t on the streets. They were in their homes on their computers. Nevermind.

Police did not reveal how many children were rescued and did not release the names of any suspects.”