CA: Danny Masterson sentenced to 30 years to life in prison

Source: 9/7/23

[ACSOL note: This case is significant due to lengthy sentence.]

LOS ANGELES — “That ’70s Show” star Danny Masterson was sentenced Thursday to 30 years to life in prison for raping two women more than two decades ago at his Hollywood Hills home.

Masterson, 47, displayed no visible emotion after Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Charlaine Olmedo threw the book at him.

“Mr. Masterson, I know that you’re sitting here steadfast in your claims of innocence, and thus no doubt feeling victimized by a justice system that has failed you,” Olmedo said just before dispatching Masterson to prison. “But Mr. Masterson, you are not the victim here.”

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Needs to be overturned on appeal. I don’t believe the accusers for a second.

I’ve read nearly nothing about this case. However I find it nearly impossible to believe that anyone PROVED that he committed crimes. The article said, “Masterson’s first trial ended in November with a mistrial, with jurors leaning toward acquittal.” But I’m sure the second trial was just fine and everything was proven.

He might guilty as f*ck, I have no idea. But if that cannot be factually proven, then a moral society has no choice but to let the person walk.

I think Amerika has a GIANT problem where so many of its citizens are simply just not that bright. They think if they feel that someone is guilty then that is as good as proving it. Amerikans are careless, sloppy, self-entitled, self-righteous, and hateful with their judgments. Why? Personally I think that has come about from Amerikans being coddled all the time and living life without enough real problems. But that’s just a feeling I have.

Because of decades of living as a PFR, I don’t care if this guy is guilty or not. I don’t want him convicted. I can’t care if victims are still holding onto whatever crime might’ve happened decades ago. I had similar crimes committed against me in that time frame. I can’t remember the last time I made excuses about my life because of that. Perhaps when I was 12. I don’t know. But because of the Registries, today I don’t have to give a f*ck about victims from decades ago. Registries destroyed that obligation.

I also find it offensive what the smug a**hole Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Charlaine Olmedo said, which was, “Mr. Masterson, I know that you’re sitting here steadfast in your claims of innocence, and thus no doubt feeling victimized by a justice system that has failed you. But Mr. Masterson, you are not the victim here.”

The problem that I have with that is that I bet know-it-all Charlaine Olmedo doesn’t actually know it all. I bet he/she (sorry, I can’t be bothered to care about its sex or research it), doesn’t know if Masterson is guilty or not. What if he is innocent? Then he is the victim. Then Olmedo is a piece of garbage. I truly don’t understand why these smug dumbf*ck judges do not simply do their job and avoid grandstanding for the media or whomever. Just do your job. Leave the impartial grandstanding to others. Then maybe people wouldn’t rightfully hate you and hold you in contempt so much.

Statutes of limitation existed for hundreds of years for a reason. How do you defend against actions that happened decades ago? Unless there is hard evidence, testimony is not enough to overcome the huge disability of having nothing to prove your side of the story except your word.

I’ll never understand how women can come forward after over 20 years and claim they were raped. If they indeed were raped, why didn’t they report it then? Was it because Danny was just a nobody? Is it because now that he became famous and wealthy they see dollar signs with a possible civil suit?
I won’t make any statements about his guilt or innocence because I don’t judge, but to be quite frank, I smell a rat with this entire scenario.

The fact that he was able to push this case back for 20 years is mind boggling, if he was poor he would’ve been found guilty years ago.
I also believe the victims in this case and believe he got away with it for so long, it became normal behavior for him, to the point where he became detached from reality.
You’d think the judge giving him 30 years would’ve been enough but she added life onto his sentence so it’s a strong possibility he’ll never see the light of day again

Even if he did do the crimes, I don’t think it’s worth 30 years in prison when a person can get less time for first degree murder. There’s no greater crime than intentionally taking a life. But those women will live to see another day….just my opinion

Danny Masterson’s costars on That 70s Show, including Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher, and the show’s TV parents, wrote letters in support of Danny for his sentencing phase (link). The letters are quite nice, but the celebs are getting attacked on social media for standing up for their friend. It’s remarkable to me how scorched earth the sex crime inquisitors can be. It’s also remarkable how little Danny’s sterling criminal and professional record mattered—why even write these supportive letters if vindictive judges are going to ignore them?

“Believe the victims”

Even if they embellish and fabricate their biased version of the truth?

That’s a long time! It was very disappointing to see the reaction of many “abolitionists” to the 30 years.