FL: Hall of Famer Lawrence Taylor reportedly arrested again on felony charge over sex offender registration violation

Source: msn.com 7/19/24
[ACSOL is posting this due to it being a well-known figure dealing with multi-state registration laws]

Pro Football Hall of Famer Lawrence Taylor was arrested on Wednesday on a felony charge for failing to report his residence change as a registered sex offender, according to The Athletic.

Taylor, 65, turned himself into the Broward Sheriff’s Office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on Wednesday and he was released on bail on Thursday, per the report.

The incident is nearly identical to a situation in 2021, when Taylor was arrested for the same thing in South Florida. Taylor avoided jail time then after he pleaded guilty to a lesser charge.

Taylor’s attorney called his arrest a “misunderstanding” on Thursday, and said he would be pleading not guilty.

“As with the previous incident involving the same allegations, Mr. Taylor did not knowingly commit any criminal offense. This situation is a significant misunderstanding,” his attorney, Mark Eiglarsh, said in a statement, via The Athletic. “We are confident that, once the prosecutors review the exculpatory evidence demonstrating Mr. Taylor’s innocence, he will once again achieve a favorable outcome.”

Taylor pleaded guilty to one count of sexual misconduct and one count of soliciting a prostitute in the third degree in New York in 2011, which is what required him to register as a sex offender in the first place.

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On one hand, you should not, be exempt from any law because of your personal achievements or status. On the other hand, the specific laws we’re talking about are human rights abuses. In no other country on earth can anybody be arrested/incarcerated simply for failing to show up for an appointment.

Taylor’s attorney called his arrest a “misunderstanding” on Thursday, and said he would be pleading not guilty.

Hey Lawrence! Was that 16 year old prostitute that accused you of rape a “misunderstanding”? And you & your lawyer convinced the judge to plead that down to a misdemeanor without any jail time. That’s how much a black prostitute is worth in the American criminal justice system. If she had been a white hooker from the burbs..ouuuuuuu! That judge would’ve lit your az, Lawrence. Meanwhile, in the same state of Floriduh, a mentally disabled young man gets a life sentence for opening up his laptop and showing obscene photos of children to passing customers inside a big box store.

This proves once again how absurd the registry is.

  1. He should be able to be removed after a given time without re offending.
  2. Changing residences should have a 30 day grace period, not a 3-5 day. Moving is hectic enough.
  3. Solicitation is a stupid law. Hell, men ( and women ) pay no matter what anyway. If you spend enough on dinner and club, buy her/ him a present and have property, the man/ woman is going to have sex. Why not cut all that out and just pay him/ her up front.