Source: 3/9/25
A sex offender public registry has been launched in Bangladesh for the first time through the digital platform The initiative aims to increase awareness of sexual crimes and provide access to offender records. The platform allows individuals to report incidents of sexual offenses, offering an avenue for victims and witnesses to come forward while maintaining anonymity if preferred.
A sex offender public registry is a database that records information about individuals convicted of sexual crimes. Such registries are used in several countries to track offenders, inform the public, and assist law enforcement in preventing repeat offenses. In some jurisdictions, registries are publicly accessible, while others restrict access to law enforcement agencies.
“…The platform allows individuals to report incidents of…while maintaining anonymity if preferred.”
All of Karen’s dreams come true… but only in Bangladesh… for now. Can you even imagine what kind of nightmare world K&D would make with this?
NCMEC got over 68 million Reports of “Suspicious Online Activity” in a single year. That’s just online activity… this let’s K&D report Anything, and Everything they see anywhere and everywhere! So how many offline “Suspicious Acts” are K&D going to report in addition to the 68 million they spotted online? 2…3… maybe 500 million…a year… in addition to the 68 million online acts?
As it is, K&D are capable of conjuring up millions of Online Bogeymen that prowl around every corner of the web, looking for an opportunity to pounce! This would give them the ability to fabricate legions of bogeymen that are hidden behind every tree and bush!
A mile think layer of bogeymen that cover every square inch of the Nation from sea to shining sea!
Obviously K&D are unfamiliar with the boy who cried wolf but why does NCMEC go along with this? What could possibly motivate an organization such as this into first pandering to this hysteria, then passing on the results as if there was any possibility this isn’t just arm flailing panicky idiocy? They get some kind of advantage for helping to make this problem appear to be much larger than is reasonable to presume it actually is… perhaps? 🤔
“Globally, the concept of a sex offense registry is well-established. The United States was the first country to implement a public registry in the 1990s through Megan’s Law, requiring authorities to make information available to the public.”
That’s the problem with these poor unknown countries. If the United States does it, We must follow their lead because they know what they’re doing.
“Similar systems have been adopted in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and India, among others. Some countries, such as Japan and Germany, maintain registries that are accessible only to law enforcement rather than the general public.”
Why did [they] skip over the 4 countries [they] mentioned? (Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and India) They also don’t maintain registries accessible to the public. It’s not just Germany & Japan. As far as I know, the only countries in the world that maintain a public registry are the United States, Nigeria, Kenya, Botswana, South Africa; now we can add Bangladesh, the only non-African public registry outside of America.
Funny coming from a country that still allowed honor killings and gang rapes of women that refuse to marry a man. Literally the poorest country in the world. So where do they find the funds to maintain this.
This is ironic as every Bangla people I have met outside side of the US married their wife when their wife was only 12 or 13 years old
I doubt Bangladesh’s registry will prevent sex crimes or help law enforcement solve the crime.