Sheriff Department Launches Sex Offender Watch System

STANISLAUS COUNTY – Sheriff Adam Christianson has announced the launch of a new service called OffenderWatch, a public notification system on sex offenders.

The new service is a citizen-friendly, easy to use website that enables people to search for potentially dangerous sex offenders and predators, who may be in close proximity to their homes, places of work, schools, churches and day care centers. Full Article

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In light of the recent appellate ruling saying that Orange County’s ban on registrants going to parks and beaches is preempted by state law, wouldn’t state law also preempt any locality putting up its own Website and posting registrants there? Wouldn’t the state law and the state Website preempt that under the Orange County ruling, which said the state has preempted that entire area of law?

Also, it seems to me the state law allows police and sheriffs only very limited power to push information about offenders out to the public. Seems to me (unless it was changed since I last read it) that it allows that ONLY for a relatively few offenders deemed very serious and dangerous. This story seems to be saying this sheriff is pushing out ALL offenders, and every time they even go in to update their registration again, so they just keep pushing the same people out over and over again.

How can these sites be legal? There’s no prohibition against harassing the registrants. There is no warning against registrants using this site, like on the Megan’s Law Website, and the “safety tips” look like they have been written by Nancy Grace, not a public official who has a duty to report the facts based on authoritative studies.

If…….its for the public to know…then why is this public employee protecting and hiding higher rates of crime like
robbers, dui’s etc…etc…higher dangerous risk from others
than ex offender that is one of the lowest risk………so called right to know is bias discrimatory harassment two face phony deception.

This is the jist of the Sheriff’s site: Here they are, their after your kids (and your wives and girlfriends to boot). Put on your sheets boys, I’m looking the other way.

Every time I see some local official come up with some scheme like this I know that I am looking at someone that is wasting money chasing a good reputation for doing something that empirical evidence proves does nothing to protect anyone.
This means he is wasting time and money; we victims of this nationwide witch hunt need to come up with a irrefutable way to expose this to the public. Any ideas?

This man is exploiting the public fear already proven to be based on misinformation/phantoms. What a low life.

You Know This is all getting Just too Absurd “THERE IS NO REAL JUSTICE JUST MOTIVE AND CONCLUSION AFTER SPECULATION,,,AAAAHHHHHH! Rippin’ My Hair Out,,,Oh Wait,,it’s falling Out anyway screw it!

I will just Help where I Am allowed its all any of us can do ! Maybe We’ll have the numbers to get something done in a positive Manner….& Thank You “WAR” WE LOVE YOU Really welcome aboard & God Bless You All!

This is just another law enforcement official looking to make a buck off the demonizing of registrants.

Unless they are allowing people to access real-time feed from an RSOs attached GPS device, isn’t this just a copy of the Megan’s law site?

The Offender Watch web site lists 520 offenders in Stanislaus County, versus 947 on the ML web site (don’t peek if you are not allowed to). The OW site does not list Offenses or Addresses. !!! Are you kidding me???

And of course there is no cost to the public to visit this excellent site. They already paid for it. I have a bridge I would like to sell to the good people of Stanislaus County.

Let he without sin cast the first stone! if they want to create sites to let public know where a sex offender lives then I want a site that shows where the liars live and where the thieves live and where the people who cheat on there spouse and a site on people who exploit others and step on others and ruin those peoples lives just to move up the ladder and just to get reelected and get a raise, may God have mercy on your souls better repent and turn from your ways because mans law means nothing but Gods laws mean everything!