Living with 290: Hard Knock Life

I spent three years in prison for a crime I did not commit. The how and why I got there doesn’t really matter now. What does matter now is what I continue to suffer as a result of that incarceration.

I am still the subject of repeated interrogation. The local law enforcement shows up to where I live and pull me out of my residence, has me assume the prone position and searches me outside in front of all my neighbors. They pull my mom over, who drives me around, whether I am in the car or not. If I am in the car they have me get out at gun point and get on the ground and proceed to search the vehicle. They are trying everything they can to violate my parole. Each time an incident occurs I must report it to my parole agent. It’s inconvenient for me and troublesome for my agent.

To begin with it was very difficult for my parents to find a home that would satisfy the restrictions of parole and the city, as well as be a safe place to live. They were searching to buy since they are retiring soon. My Mom has already retired to be my caretaker or babysitter as it were to keep me from going back to jail due to the ideology of the people and the local government in my area. Not because I would ever commit an offense. They searched hundreds of homes before finding this one. It is less desirable than many they looked at, but those homes didn’t meet the qualifications.

It makes it difficult for my parents because they are ridiculed along with me for helping me. Without them I would be homeless and at the mercy of the law enforcement which is hell bent on returning RSO’s to incarceration. My Stepfather has to work in Alaska to earn enough money to support our financial needs. I have Parkinson’s and am on disability. I pay them for my room and supply food for myself. But it is not enough. I have to be driven everywhere as a result of my disability. So as you can see I feel like a hindrance to them.

On top of law enforcement issues I have problems in the community. I have been assaulted leaving class. I have been followed to my residence and had it toilet papered and egged. I try to hide my monitor but sometimes people can tell what it is under my pants, then they make comments, point and whisper. Some are quite voice full and make a scene.

The worst part of this whole deal is not being able to see my children. I was a very involved father. Its been four years since I have seen or heard from them. My heart breaks into a million pieces with each memory I have of them. I fear they will never want to reunite with me after the rumors that were spread about me in their community. They suffered ridicule at school and one of them has renounced going by my last name.

Nothing on earth can be as hard as being apart from your kids. I only hope once my parole is over, I can find a way to explain everything so they will understand what took place and that their father loves them.

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It’s so screwed up that the cops systematically harass you and your parents in this egregious manner. I’ve said for quite a long time now, and I think most will agree, that the cops are more about a score card than serving and protecting the public; their mission has shifted from serving the public to racking up as many arrests as they can, which makes them look good to the lame stream public and perpetuates the myth of registrants being a continuing threat that would prefer hiding behind a bush in a predominately white neighborhood, waiting for the chance to abscond with an 8yo-ish cute, white and photogenic girl; the mythical predator never does this to boy’s.

I wonder how long until the public wakes up from their self imposed stupor and recognizes that every time they cry out for blanket harsher penalties for crimes associated with their most hated basic instinct; sex, they facilitate the further stripping away and violations of our (theirs too) basic rights that men much better than they could ever hope to be died to protect. Each time someone gives an approving nod to the persecution of registrants and their families they are destroying another piece of what once made this nation great.

Get a lawyer and sue the police department for harassment, sue the city for harassment, sue the individual policemen involved in the violation and harassment you are being subjected to.


Do NOT cow-down, stand up in every way possible. WE need to create and support systems that appose (challenges) the status quo. If your local cops have names write to the chief of police and the city council and mayor’s office. Write a press release through PR-Log online (makes an online record) Have your own local Blog. Get involved with those that stand out in the community. Join organization to volunteer. Join a local Toast Masters. Get outside your own comfort zone and engage, engage, engage…sheesh, are they shy about engaging you in your life? NO? Well give it back to them. It’ll be therapeutic…of course keep it legal and positive. How can they hammer you for exercising your rights and doing good for others and society? Be the change you are looking for and promote the hell out of it! Telling your story is a great start. It encourages others. Thank you.

Does your parole agent tell you that you “have” to answer the door when someone knocks? If not, perhaps you can start there by not answering your door when the police show up.

If they are pulling your mom over, she seriously needs to consult an attorney. If you are not driving, that car isn’t even on your registration. For them to repeatedly pull her over for ANY reason when she is not violating any laws is pure harassment, whether you’re in the car or not.

To hold you at gunpoint and have you lay prone is also unreasonable and might also be enough to be considered harassment. You should look into this as well.

I agree whole heartedly with Robert Curtis, you should write the police chief, city council(each member individually), and mayor. You might also consult an attorney on this as well, as they may want a cease and desist order issued to the police department for the harassment.

Also, as for the assault and the vandalism, I hope you’re getting police involved in this, because those are all hate crimes and should be prosecuted.