___ ___, Douangtavilay, a Level 3 sex offender, once lived 200 feet from athletic fields used by Penfield youth. The discovery of this fact has prompted Penfield officials to propose residency restrictions on sex offenders, potentially putting Penfield in conflict with state law.
New York’s courts assign sex offenders a Level 1, 2, or 3 designation, based on the risk that they’ll re-offend. Level 1 means a low risk, Level 2 is moderate, and Level 3 is high. Full Article
Well, here California leads the way, thanks to the recent state Supreme Court decision in San Diego. The court basically said, no residency restrictions UNLESS parole et cetera takes the situation before a judge and PROVES there is a genuine, not imaginary, danger to other people. If there is, then they can have their residency restrictions. New York should hold hearings on this concept, it might be the way to go.