Recommended Reading

There are several good books to read about sex offender laws as well as the lives of registered persons. The following books are known and recommended. All can be ordered on the Amazon website.

  • Show Up, Stand Up, Speak Up – Janice Bellucci | Announcement – buy on Amazon
  • Sex Offender Laws: Failed Policies, New Directions – Richard G. Wright
  • We’re All in this Together – Frank Udall Lindsay
  • Sex Panic and the Punitive State – Roger Lancaster
  • Lost Memory of Skin – Russell Banks
  • Treating Adolescent Sex Offenders – Charlene Steen
  • Unprecedented, How Sex Offender Laws are Impacting Our Nation – J.B. Haralson and J.R. Cordeiro
  • Sex Registration Guidebook – Victor VeVea and J. Anthony Bryan
  • PUNISHING THE POOR: THE NEOLIBERAL GOVERNMENT OF SOCIAL INSECURITY, by Loic Wacquant, Duke U. Press.   –  Chapter 7 is titled “Moralism and Punitive Panopticism: Hunting Down Sex Offenders.”
  • A Parallel Universe: Two tales of public folly and personal devastation – Alex Landon and Elaine Halleck
  • Consensual Consequences: A True Story of Life with a “Registered Sex Offender” – Lynn Gilmore
  • Knowledge as Power: Criminal Registration and Community Notification Laws in America  – Wayne Logan

  • Trauma, Shame and the Power of Love and A Tortuous Path: Atonement and Reinvention in a Broken System – Christopher Pelloski, M.D.
