Betsy DeVos is absolutely right about campus sexual assault rules

[ – 9/13/18] To push an issue, a leader usually needs to have integrity or street cred. Abraham Lincoln had the first when he led the country out of slavery. Richard Nixon, a security hawk, had the second when he made peace with China. President Donald Trump admittedly has neither when it comes to women’s issues. So his administration is hardly in any moral position to revamp the rules governing sexual assault on college campuses that President Barack Obama, a paragon of propriety, put in place. Yet Obama’s rules were…

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Public Comment — Registering College Students as Sex Offenders

[ m- 8/16/18] [posted by John DavisJohn Davis, a retired public official and international lawyer and writes on current gender issues] From Perses institute Washington, D.C. Public Comment — Registering College Students as Sex Offenders Re: 83 Fed. Reg. 37,526 (August 1, 2018) 30 Day Notice of Action (copy attached) Email Dispatch:; Dear Samantha Opong: The Perses Institute is a global NGO that fosters gender balance and equality in institutions worldwide. We respectfully submit comment on the agency’s proposed collection of information on Campus adjudications of sexual misconduct, and, any…

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OH: CSU QB isn’t on sex offender registry because conviction came as minor

[] Central State University football player ______ was convicted in 2013 along with a Steubenville High School teammate of raping a 16-year-old girl who was incapacitated by alcohol. But because ____was a juvenile at the time, his conviction does not appear on the sex offender registry. If not for widespread publicity of the crime, ____‘s conviction would be unknown to many of his fellow students, and possibly to the school. Central State officials would not comment on their decision to allow ____ to enroll and play football, citing federal laws…

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Leading-Edge Law: College-Picking Time: Talk with Your Child About Sex Offenses and Investigate Due Process

[] High school seniors are in the process of making college selections. But before picking a school, investigate how prospective colleges handle sex-related offenses and talk with your child about this issue. This concerns the quality of due process on college campuses for students accused of sex-related offenses. “Due process” means the fairness to the accused of the process for adjudicating these charges. It would be easy but unwise to dismiss this issue by thinking your child wouldn’t rape anybody. Most cases involve situations where the male claims sex was…

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