Charles Rodrick, owner of a family of websites that publishes the names, photos and other personal information regarding registered citizens and sometimes members of their families, today lost a case filed against him in federal district court when the court entered a default judgment. The case alleged that Rodrick and others he controlled violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act by extorting money from individuals in order to have their personal information removed from those websites. “This is a major victory for registered citizens in our nation,” stated…

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Council to consider bond issue, reconsider sex-offender laws

HESPERIA — The City Council will consider and reconsider a number of issues at a specially scheduled 3 p.m. Tuesday meeting. Included on the agenda is a resolution approving issuance of multi-family housing revenue bonds, revisions to regulations concerning registered sex offenders and amendments to the fine schedule under emergency water conservation conditions. Full Article

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City to alter sex offender restrictions

STOCKTON – Seemingly without a say in the matter, and with a lawsuit filed against Stockton, the City Council appears likely tonight to repeal an ordinance that restricts some movements of registered sex offenders in places frequented by children. According to a staff report included in tonight’s meeting agenda, the city has no choice because recent court decisions have decreed that state law on the movement of registered sex offenders preempts local legislation. Full Article Agenda: http://www.stocktongov.com/clerk/granicusagendas/citycouncil/20140729.pdf (p. 52) July 29: Repeal Motion passes 6-1 (Mayor Anthony Silva opposing)

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Registered sex offender Frank Lindsay today challenged an ordinance adopted by the City of Hesperia which prohibits him and all other registered citizens from visiting public and private locations as well as residing within that city.  The lawsuit was filed after the City Council of Hesperia considered, but failed, to repeal or revise its ordinance on July 15. The scope of the City’s ordinance is broad and includes restrictions regarding where more than 105,000 individuals can be present.  Specifically, the ordinance prohibits registered citizens from being present in or within…

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Lompoc council to consider changes to sex offender ordinance [UPDATED with more media and video]

Lompoc’s City Council members tonight will consider easing loitering restrictions in the city’s sex offender ordinance to conform to state law, and temporarily suspending enforcement of residency limitations for registered offenders. Full Article City Council Hearing Video (click on #9) Update 7/16: Lompoc Council OKs settlement with registered sex offender (Lompoc Record) Update 7/17: To Settle Lawsuit, Lompoc Council Agrees to Ease Restrictions for Sex Offenders (Noozhawk)

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Lompoc May Revise ‘Presence’ Restrictions for Sex Offenders

The City of Lompoc is poised to repeal its stringent requirements on where registered sex offenders can visit, a change stemming from a lawsuit filed by a Grover Beach man. Full Article Related: Santa Maria attorney files sex offender lawsuit against Lompoc LOMPOC SEX OFFENDER ORDINANCE CHALLENGED IN FEDERAL DISTRICT COURT

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Riverside County Officials Discuss Repealing Sex Offender Ordinance

TEMECULA (CBSLA.com) — A major move by Riverside County officials could do away with a sex-offender ordinance that sets rules on where they can live or visit. Sex offenders across California aren’t allowed within 2,000 feet of public parks or schools, and in Riverside County, they aren’t welcome within 300 feet. The county also has stronger restrictions on where sex offenders can live. Full Article

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Sex offenders sue over ordinances that ban them from places

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KBAK/KBFX) – Wasco and Taft are among a group of California cities being sued by a civil rights group that advocates on behalf of sex offenders. In 2006, state voters approved Jessica’s Law, which bars sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of a school or park. Shortly after, numerous cities adopted much more restrictive local laws that prohibit sex offenders from being present in any “children’s facility,” such as a public library, school bus stop, or “any location that facilitates on their property classes or group activities…

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Pomona takes steps to repeal part of its sex offender ordinance

POMONA >> Members of the Pomona City Council have taken steps leading to the repeal of part of a 2008 ordinance regulating the presence of sex offenders in the city. Council members gave preliminary approval at their June 16 meeting to an ordinance repealing a portion of the 2008 local regulation and they are expected to have a final vote July 7. Full Article

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Santa Ana Repeals Sex Offender Ordinance

The Santa Ana City Council took the final step necessary to repeal its entire sex offender ordinance on June 17. The first step toward repeal took place on June 3. “This is an important victory for all registered citizens,” stated CA RSOL president Janice Bellucci. “More than 105,000 individuals and their families are no longer prohibited from visiting public places including the public library.” “The City of Santa foolishly followed the path of the Orange County District Attorney in its passage of a law that violated both the state and…

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Pomona City Council Repeals Ordinance

The Pomona City Council voted 6 to 0 in favor of repealing all residency restrictions within the city’s sex offender ordinance.  The vote was taken on June 16 with one member absent.  A second vote on this issue is scheduled to be taken on July 7. “The City of Pomona is the first city to be sued in a series of 12 lawsuits challenging residency restrictions,” stated CA RSOL President Janice Bellucci.  “We commend Pomona for taking the first step toward repeal of these restrictions which violate both the state and federal…

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Rancho Santa Margarita repeals ban on sex offenders in parks

RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA – The City Council voted to repeal an ordinance that bans registered sex offenders from entering city parks without permission from the city’s chief of police. The move comes after a state appeals court in January struck down similar bans in Irvine and at county recreational areas. The state Supreme Court in April declined to review the lower court’s decision. Full Article

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Wasco Ordinance Challenged in Federal District Court [updated with media links]

The City of Wasco was sued today in federal district court challenging its sex offender ordinance. This lawsuit is the eighth in a series of lawsuits filed during an 8-week period. “Despite a series of letter warnings starting on January 20, the City of Wasco has failed to repeal its sex offender ordinance which violates both the state and federal constitutions,” stated CA RSOL President Janice Bellucci. “The Wasco ordinance denies the constitutionally protected right to public information through its prohibition of visiting the city’s public library. In addition, the…

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