Janice’s Journal: The Best Defense is a Good Offense

Have you noticed?  The winds are shifting for the registrant community.  One solid example of that is the recent federal court decision in Georgia that determined that the three registrant plaintiffs have paid their debt to society and are both rehabilitated and leading productive lives. In that decision, the court went on to assist registrants by shifting the burden of proof to the government to show that the registrants pose a current danger to society.  And then the court found that the government failed to meet that burden.  In fact,…

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Should the Movement to Oust Bad Prosecutors Go After Judges Next?

[slate.com – 6/1/18] Four public defenders think so, but critics worry they’re turning criminal justice reform into an assault on the judiciary. Major cities across the United States are getting swept up in a movement to replace tough-on-crime prosecutors with reform-minded outsiders. Last November, Larry Krasner, a former federal public defender turned civil rights lawyer, was elected district attorney in Philadelphia. He rapidly set about changing business as usual, refusing to prosecute low-level marijuana offenses and instructing his deputies to begin plea negotiations from the minimum rather than the maximum…

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