We all think we know what a sex offender looks like: a serial pedophile, likely male and middle-aged, who lurks in Internet chat rooms or hides behind church authority or children’s programs to prey on little kids. But an estimated 200,000 registered sex offenders in the United States are children, many as young as eight years old. Most never come off the registry and many end up committing suicide. The few who don’t have trouble finding jobs as adults and face violent attacks wherever they go, even though they haven’t…
Read MoreTag: Juveniles
This woman is trying to stop juvenile sex offenders — by helping them
Elizabeth Letourneau is one of the country’s leading experts on sex crime — why it happens and whether there are better ways to stop it. She focuses in particular on juvenile sex offenders: people who commit a sex crime before they turn 18. This is an important group to understand in the fight against child sex abuse. Juvenile sex offenders perpetrate approximately one-third of sexual offenses against minors. They are also are more likely than adult offenders to commit crimes against younger victims. That’s why it’s so important to figure…
Read MoreVA: Sexting policy change debated
The Virginia State Crime Commission met Tuesday in Richmond to discuss an issue they have been tracking for some time — sexting by teenagers and the state’s child pornography laws. Last October, the Crime Commission heard that during the last five to 10 years, “sexting has attracted increased attention nationwide” and many of those participating are minors. Full Article
Read MoreOP-ED: For a Child Sex Offender, Once Online, Always Online
The first time I was called a sex offender, I was 13. These words meant nothing to me. The only context I had for them was the old man down the street who parents whispered about, saying he was a sex offender. In fact thinking back, the term had always been applied to old men. So the words hit me with very little meaning. I would later learn that this label was how society would define me for the rest of my life. Full Op-Ed Piece
Read MoreLAUSD Sorry It Successfully Argued Girl, 14, Consented to Sex with Teacher
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) didn’t have a problem with attorney W. Keith Wyatt when he successfully defended them in a lawsuit last year by blaming a 14-year-old girl for having sex with a teacher. It saved the district a lot of money. But they do have a problem with him now after word of how he won the case received publicity last week and he told public radio station KPCC on Thursday, “She lied to her mother so she could have sex with her teacher. She went…
Read MoreVA: Manassas City detective in teen ‘sexting’ case sues teen’s lawyer for defamation
The lead detective in a high-profile teen “sexting” case from last summer, in which Prince William County authorities sought to take sexually explicit photos of a 17-year-old teen to compare with the evidence, has filed a defamation lawsuit against the teen’s attorney for making critical comments about the investigation in The Washington Post. Full Article
Read MoreMan who went to prison as a juvenile sex offender: Lena Dunham is lucky
As so many have done recently, Josh Gravens wrote an open letter to Lena Dunham. It read, “Many children around the country did the same thing you did.” But this was not just another defense of Dunham’s childhood behavior as innocent exploration. The letter continued, “A 9-year-old in South Carolina is now on the sex offender registry for life, and he also must wear a GPS monitor everywhere he goes. In fact, many states have no minimum age to be placed on the sex offender registry,” he wrote. “I myself…
Read MoreOR: Portland City Club Report Says Fewer Youth should Register as Sex Offenders
The City Club of Portland has released a research report on juvenile sex offender registration in Oregon. After interviewing 17 experts and reviewing almost 50 research reports, the committee recommends changes that would identify youth who are at most risk of re-offending and reduce the number who are placed on the registry. Full Article
Read MoreTo Lena Dunham: From A Person Placed on the Sex Offender Registry as a Child
Dear Lena Dunham, You have been taking some heat for a passage from your book outlining what most psychological and developmental experts would call childhood sexual curiosity, if not just plain curiosity. I am glad you have defended your actions as a child as just that—childhood exploration. While the behavior might be considered by a puritanical society as taboo, it should not be a criminalized behavior. Ms. Dunham, many children around the country did the same thing you did. For example, a 9-year-old in South Carolina is now on the sex…
Read MoreVA: revisiting penalties for teen sexting
RICHMOND — Should teenagers who exchange sexually explicit messages and photos face the same punishment as adults charged with producing and distributing child pornography? The Virginia State Crime Commission is revisiting the teen sexting issue and may again consider legislation that would lessen penalties — primarily intended for pornographers — in consensual cases involving suspects who are minors. Full Article
Read MoreThe “Sex Offender” Regime is Cruel and Unusual Punishment
If it’s true that all seven of the football players arrested for hazing in the Sayreville, New Jersey, War Memorial High School locker room are students of color, that is one more reason not to prosecute them as sexual felons. I don’t mean not to prosecute them in adult court. I mean not to prosecute them at all. If they’re guilty, they should be disciplined by the school, kicked off the Bombers team, and held accountable to their victims by making amends in words and deeds. But the punishment the…
Read MoreSexting amounts to child pornography in the eyes of the law
More than 100 Virginia teenagers are under investigation for sharing child pornography, even if they were simply sexting with their friends. Teens sexting, or sending nude photos to a boyfriend or girlfriend, could end up facing felony charges. Apps like Snapchat, Wickr, and Oovoo allow users to take a photo or video, send it, then the image self destructs on the other end in a matter of seconds. Full Article
Read MoreJacques: Could your teen face child porn charges?
Michigan teens beware. An indiscreet photo on your phone or computer could land you in court as a felony sex offender. Sex has always preoccupied teens. With the broad proliferation of cellphones and social media, however, young people have a wealth of new ways to make bad decisions. Full Article Related Teens Still Sending Naked Selfies
Read MoreTreatment to be mandatory for young sex offenders
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) – Adolescents and teenagers convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious victim will face mandatory sexual-offender treatment in California. Gov. Jerry Brown’s office on Tuesday announced he had signed SB838. Full Article
Read MoreMN: Mankato attorney steeped in sex offender controversy
MANKATO — As an attorney for dozens of sex offenders and a member of a high-profile panel to guide lawmakers and the courts, Ryan Magnus has a unique view of Minnesota’s sex offender quandary. When Magnus, a defense attorney with Mankato-based Jones and Magnus, looks at the Minnesota Sex Offender Program, he doesn’t only see the worst of the worst. He sees people who only committed crimes as juveniles, before they mentally matured. It’s too soon to reliably guess if they’ll re-offend as adults. The poster child for these cases…
Read MoreVA: Parents turn in 13-year-old daughter over nude pics on cell, tablet
DINWIDDIE COUNTY, Va. — A Dinwiddie mother got a nasty shock when she went through her daughter’s cell phone and tablet. The pictures she discovered were so disturbing that she turned the girl in to sheriff’s deputies. The parents discovered their 13-year-old daughter, who is about to enter the eighth-grade, had been sending and receiving naked pictures of other teens using her tablet. … The parents said that they called in the sheriff’s office to protect their daughter even though she could face criminal charges. Full Article
Read MoreOK: Program treats juvenile sex offenders as kids, not criminals
OKLAHOMA CITY – Sex offender. The phrase conjures pariahs living under bridges. Adults “grooming” children for devastating abuse. Violent men who take what is not freely given. Broken people. And yet, here comes Tyler, bounding down the hall with his dusty blonde Justin Bieber haircut and chunky sneakers. He turned 16 today. He and his family have just come from Chuck E. Cheese. Tyler’s mom smiles as she tells the other parents in her support and education group at the University of Oklahoma Medical Center, “Teenagers can regress back to…
Read MoreAZ: Kindergartner is a sex offender? Really?
As we begin another school year, it is reassuring to know that Arizona’s educators are on the prowl, ever on the lookout for sexual predators who may be lurking among our children. The perverts, the flashers, the five years olds …Wait … what? It seems a five-year-old Surprise boy was on the playground last spring when suddenly he pulled his pants down. The kid was hauled to the office and forced to sign a form that essentially labeled him a budding sex fiend. Full Article
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