What Options Does the Sex Offender Registry Leave Us, If Not Sex Work?

Source: filtermag.org 7/16/24 They say that time is money, but if that’s true then mine doesn’t seem to be worth that much. I have three degrees, and two jobs where they don’t matter. In the little time I have to myself I do freelance work, and still struggle to make ends meet. A struggle felt by many, but especially by those of us laboring under the restrictions of parole and the sex offender registry. I earned my degrees in prison. I was arrested at 19 while doing survival sex work,…

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TN: SB0181 Bill Would Revise Tennessee’s Decades-Old Law Targeting HIV-Positive People Convicted of Sex Work

Source: usnews.com 1/23/24 A proposal advancing in the Tennessee legislature would stop requiring lifetime registration as a violent sex offender for anyone convicted of engaging in sex work while living with HIV NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Tennessee would no longer be the only U.S. state to impose a lifetime registration as a “violent sex offender” on anyone convicted of engaging in sex work while living with HIV under a proposal that advanced Tuesday in the legislature. The controversial statute still on the books is being challenged in federal court by…

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