U.S. Marshals target sex offenders on the run

According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), there are about 500,000 convicted sex offenders across the country who do what they’re supposed to do: register themselves with the local police in their communities. But, according to NCMEC, about a 1 in 5 convicted sex offenders do not register themselves.   And local authorities don’t always have the manpower or resources to go looking for every one of them.  In response, the U.S. Marshals Service started a program called, “Operation Guardian,”  which has targeted the worst of the…

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Off Topic: NYPD unveils new $40 million super computer system that uses data from network of cameras, license plate readers and crime reports

The NYPD is starting to look like a flashy, forensic crime TV show thanks to a new super computer system unveiled Wednesday near Wall St. The Domain Awareness System designed by the NYPD and Microsoft Corp. uses data from a network of cameras, radiation detectors, license plate readers and crime reports, officials said. Full Article

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