Fountain Valley seeks to ban sex offenders from parks

FOUNTAIN VALLEY – Registered sex offenders who have committed crimes against children will be prohibited from entering parks in Fountain Valley, the City Council decided Tuesday. The council unanimously approved the first reading of an ordinance, modeled after a county ban, but defines “park” to include other recreational areas where children may be. The city’s ordinance also differs from the county’s in that it specifically targets sex offenders who have committed crimes against children. Full Article

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No Halloween for sex offenders? They challenge California city’s restrictions

With Video – An attorney representing five Simi Valley sex offenders who sued the city over limits to their Halloween activities said the lawsuit will be the first of several she expects to file over such restrictions. Lawyer Janice Bellucci heads the 18-month-old advocacy group California Reform Sex Offender Laws. On Friday, she filed a lawsuit in federal court claiming that Simi Valley’s ordinance violates her clients’ First Amendment rights. The suit seeks a judge’s order prohibiting enforcement of the ordinance in Simi Valley, which has 119 registered sex offenders, according to a…

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