California RSOL Meeting in Santa Maria on February 23

The first California RSOL meeting in Santa Maria will take place on February 23, 2013 at 9 am. As always, the meeting will focus upon issues of importance to registrants, such as residency restrictions and conditions of parole/probation and the status of pending lawsuit.  Registrants, family members and supporters are invited to attend this free meeting. There will be no media or government officials.

The meeting will be held at 1165 Stubblefield Road, Santa Maria, CA 93455, which is at the Unity Church near the intersection of Bradley and Stubblefield. Please note the earlier 9 am start time.

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This is a very important issue one that touches close to my heart. A young man barely 18 by 27 days life was ruined and no sex even took place. He is now 37 and the damage it has caused him is hard to take, what the system to him. I’m mailing a letter I wrote up,It is going to be sent to every Goverment leader, as I’m trying to help him Please let me know where the meeting in Santa maria is going to be held, I did not see an address and would like to attend. Thank you- Suzette White

I encourage those who received a letter of invitation as well as other registrants and family members in the area to attend this meetintg. This is our first meeting in Santa Maria and we don’t expect to return for another year or so. We will continue to hold meetings throughout the state on a monthly basis but this is a big state.

Here is a link for all to read. Please contribute and lets not see the CA RSOL wane. For all in Santa Maria please inform anyone else of the meeting.

If you can attend this meeting …great…try to…Janice BELLUCCI
and her staff are trying to help ..even if it’s any comfort’re
not alone…no one…no one should bully or harass others…so
therefore bullying or harassing others cannot be public funded
or public sanctioned…it becomes clearer almost every time there
is another news article is posted…they have recklessly disregarded
Civil rights…massively so…I see millions & millions of dollars.

Financial lawsuits can cause a tremendous effect on those who
misuse power and position over another…it can help stop public
sanctioned funded bullying harassment…it can put a big budget
item for them and insurance to consider liability…people have earned
the right to be free…to unite their families.

I hope your meeting today was a success!!

How can the goverment continue to put restriction on our life and liberties after our sentence/parole is completed? Having to regester for life is sufficient. If the public is concerned about who live in their community. They can go to local law enforcement office and check. Our society has a desire to oppress groups of people. Slavory is no longer acceptable. So lets oppress sex offenders. No one like a sex offender or will speak up for us, unlike this heavenly sent organization. Thank you for all your time and efforts. That alone is success for us that live this nightmare… My gorlfriend wants to marry me but is scared to death of of all these laws/restriction ect. I live in nipomo, ca. I didn’t know there was a meeting in my neighboring city.