California RSOL Lobbying in Sacramento

California RSOL will lobby newly elected members of the state Assembly in Sacramento on January 29 and 30. Thirty-nine new members were sworn in earlier this month. There are a total of 80 members in that legislative body.

“It is important to meet with the newly elected state legislators this month in order to educate them regarding the true facts regarding registrants,” stated Janice Bellucci, President of California RSOL. “In the past, state legislators have passed laws based upon fear and misinformation that have diminished public safety and denied registrants their civil rights.”

An important objective of California RSOL this year is passage of a tiered registry bill that would allow some registrants to leave the registry after 10 or 20 years. California is 1 of only 4 states that has a lifetime registry for all registrants regardless of the severity of the offense or the current risk of the individual.

“In a time of declining state resources, it is important that resources be used efficiently to monitor only those who pose a current danger to public safety,” stated Bellucci. The California registry includes individuals convicted of non-contact offenses such as public urination and sexting a loved one as well as consensual teen sex up to 50 years ago. According to a recent psychological study, anyone on the registry who has not re-offended in 20 years has the same probability to commit a sex offense as anyone not on the registry.

A tiered registry has not yet been introduced, however, one is expected to be introduced in the Assembly no later than March 2013.

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Great idea!

CA’s law is draconian. It even imposes the lifetime registration on a person if they move to another state- even to one where their crime would not even have been a crime at all!

What about the ones the court has already found not a threat to society and has granted a 1203.4? Just wondering if they have a chance?

I believe that AB625 would have implemented a tiered system. Are their any drawbacks to to AB625? Someone in another forum claimed the devil was in the details and was happy it did not pass citing exp post facto issues, but offering no details.
Could some of us actually be worse off in a tired system?
What are politician’s arguments against such system? I tend to believe it is because certain entities, public and private, have a vested interest in the status quo.

I don’t think anyone will be worse off having a tiered registry … No matter what charge a registrant has been convicted of … It’s not possible as today it is a lifetime requirement what could be worse than that?

What could be worse is being placed under greater restrictions
When released in 1994 registering annually was a relatively minor inconvenience.
The Los Angeles map with blue dots but no names made me unpopular with my neighbors.
Meagan’s Law web site made me unpopular with my boss.
What could be worse? Again, greater restrictions applied retroactively based on some new system.
Family targeted
GPS tracking
Residency restrictions
SEX OFFENDER on my driver license
Pink License Plate

You name it. The government will do what it wants to whomever it wants. I just want to be prepared. They are in the process of disarming the law-abiding American public, 2nd Amendment or not, because of the terrible misdeeds of the few. Just think what they will do to us.

I applaud a tiered registry… And has been pointed out, the devil IS in the details. We often hear and talk about those on the current lifetime registry for some very minor infraction.

My offense wasn’t a “misunderstanding”. It wasn’t minor. I did do it… And I’m not the same person I was when I offended in 1993. For these purposes, the ways I’ve changed aren’t important, but the changes are there and acknowledged by those who have no reason to.

My question is how does a tiered registry, of itself, serve in this instance, where we don’t have a clear understanding of what the tiers might mean and the standards that might be used.

Those standard need to be openly discussed as well.

Just sayin’

From what I know … And it may not be much but I’m trying to learn every day, every moment … A tiiered registry as RSOL is wanting to forge ahead with and try, at least in California (one of four states who don’t have one) is a level of registrants I’m not sure what level 1 means, nor do I know what level 2 means … As for level 3 … Again not sure. From what I’ve read and researched anyone with a conviction 20+ years .. Would (hopefully) fall into the category of those (like reports i have seen) to be no more liable to commit another offense than you or I who haven’t been convicted. My fiancé at the age of 19 with someone 20 … Was in 1987 … He was 19 … We are in 2013 … There will be justice … A tiered registry will be a God send.

It’s been a long, exhausting nightmare on this list. I hope through this legislation there will be a chance to exit it. Thank you again Janice.

The bottom line is this. California Sex Offender Laws must be changed. A Tier System must be instituted to allow those Sex Offenders on the Registry to Fall off eventually. In most states, Sex Offenders are off after 10 to 15 years. Its been to long. God be with you Janice

I know that I shouldn’t put this out on the internet, but I am angry. In 2004, our son was approached by a young women who posed as a 19 year old. They met a few times, but did not have sex. Once he discovered that she was in fact 15, he got angry and told her not to contact him again. She called him over and over until he changed his phone number. He had been recently divorced from his high school sweetheart, and was raising his litlle boy. He had just moved to a small northern ca. town.
6 months later he was arrested. Refused the “deal” (which would have been 6 months jail time and one felony count, instead he was convicted of 5 counts, (the D.A. stacked the charges, and he spent the next two years in court. Of course, we knew nothing about the legal system and that most likely he would get convicted. He spent over 3 years in prison, and the next three years on GPS.
He lost everything in his life.

I don’t feel this young women was harmed in any way. She was the agressor. I don’t condone the behavior, but the punishment was too harsh.
I now see that he is listed as a “level three” on the Megan’s website. I don’t understand this at all.
Also, years ago we set up a savings account for our grandson when he was 6. He is now 16, and the state just recently took all his savings, I guess because his father was a guardian on the account? Does it ever stop!

I know that having levels will help those who have been on “the list” for years, but in our case, it could diffently make matters worse.

I appreciate your response, and just validating my upset.

My advise to anyone. Stay away from El Dorado County, and small towns with cowboy D.A.’s trying to make a name for themselves and sheriffs with nothing else to do.

If we are able to get some kind of tierd system, I hope it will end the nightmare for many.

Sadly, even though this happened to our son, for me, it feels like part of my life is over. The system stole my innocence of thinking we had a great country. That those who were there to protect our rights, just stomped on them. Sometimes I feel dead inside. I have been fighting for nine years…and got no where until Janice came to be our state rep. I thank God for her every day.

Did anyone see this motion filed in doe vs harris? What does it mean?

01/23/2013 Motion for leave to intervene filed by Lee Quillar, non party
01/25/2013 Motion filed plaintiff and appellants’ request to dismiss with prejudice. by Richard L. Kellner, counsel
01/25/2013 Motion for leave to intervene filed by Edward V. Shell, non party

Similarly all situated.

S191948 – ‘Google’ it and note that late in January something happened that will take a lawyer (or someone who knows something about it) to explain.

S191948 requested a clarification on the issue of contract law as applied to plea bargains as to whether the law existing at the time of the contract binds the parties, or can a plea bargain by modified after the fact by changes in the law.

What’s going on?

I’ve had to register since 2003(2004) was my actual release date, so i guess that would be my rehab starting period. I was convicted of a two counts and unlawful sex with a minor(felony woblers) and the DA decided to throw in a contributing to the delinquency which would require SOR. I was offered this plea deal and i took it. My public defender which basically ran through the process never did anything for me or tried. Neither me nor my family had the money to pay for a lawyer. I was 18 at the time and it was my senior year in high school when these incidents took place. I was young and had no clue on what was going on or what was right nor wrong. All i knew was that the DA’s office was pushing hard to throw me in prison and make an example the the “rampant” sex that is going on in my towns high school. Basically the DA offered a first plea deal of 8 years in prison and that scared the sh*t out of me. When i was offered the second deal i almost had no choice but to take a gamble in a jury trial. Needless to say the “victims” testified what happened and perjured themselves on multiple accounts. I didn’t find this until the last few years, but the DA basically told the victims that if you don’t say it the way they the DA wanted they would be thrown into jail. Yes this is true, and i have a letter from one of the two girls which i received last year that told me this heart breaking truth (2012).

That was just the background of the story. Lets just set aside what actually happened. I had intercourse with a couple of classmates, but because i was 18 i was the criminal. If it were a few months before technically both parties would’ve committed a “crime”. I have not committed a crime since then. I have graduated from college ( yes excuse my terrible grammar…i’m not concerned if i made mistakes…it’s just a comment), and have gone through the whole 17b and 1203.4 process. Get this !!! i can legally posses and purchase a firearm! I did a check to see if i was because i was an avid hunter growing up. Not only have i been a upright citizen, but also i have not shot anyone! Who would’ve thought that not all ROS are crazy right? I have to wait 10 years to apply for a certificate of rehab which would be in 2014. The tiered system would be ok with me. It would allow me to just walk away from it with out having to pay a lawyer a few thousand dollars, and be 100% sure i would be done with SOR. Just because i’m eligible for a certificate of rehab doesn’t mean i’ll obtain it. It’s still up to the judge’s discretion. Law’s change every year and who knows what will happen in a year from now.

I have to agree with Janice. I plead to a Battery Charge back in in 1997 after an arrest in 1996. The plea was a wobbler. Furthermore, I received Summery Probation? Yes, I plead to a sex offense which was registerable and received SUMMARY Probation! 2 years later, the charge was reduced to a misdemeanor secondary to pc 17(B)/I did this on my own and I eventually had the charge expunged secondary to pc1203.4. No arrests prior/thereafter. I did everything right. I attempted to obtain a Certificate of Rehab in OC and it was a nightmare. The charge or plea originated in LA. In essence, its very difficult to obtain a Certificate of Rehab. Very hard. From what I understand, its easier to obtain one in LA, but you must petition the Court or County you reside in. I unfortunately reside in OC and they dont fight fair. In summary, its very disturbing to think that someone who has obtained higher education, started a family, volunteers and doesnt even have an unpaid parking ticket cant obtain a Certificate of Rehab. I did everything right, but yet the courts or judges seem to be afraid of granting them? Why? In conclusion, if I lived in any other state, I would no longer be on the registry and have fallen off years ago. Its now time to send a sincere and kind message to legislators that people make poor decisions in their lives, but for many, they can move forward and turns these negatives into positives!

Is this the new tieredcregistry bill going to be re-introduced by Ammiano?

AB 2086 – Sex offender registry

Nevermind on above post it is not.

What is the probability that ANY legislation will be introduced (by Assemblymember Ammiano or another legislator!) this session, that will bring a “tiered-system” (as AB 625 would have!), or other relief to CA RSO’s? If there is no bill to get behind in THIS session, then discussion is pointless!

A better piece of legislation to introduce than the tiered system IMHO would be legislation to allow registered sex offenders that have met the conditions of 1203.4 (Certificate of Rehabilitation) to apply. This would go back to the more rehabilitative stance the law had for many years.

This would allow all of us to be judged on a case by case basis against our own merits and behavior since we committed our offense.

Today we are lumped together into this group that has no statistical meaning. The law today does not make the public any safer.

Having this available to us again would allow us to demonstrate our rehabilitation and rights to live as truly free men and women.

The legislature sometime back passed a law that 290′s cannot get any publicly funded therapy for reproductive health. Since being unemployed for years and unable to get any responses to job applications despite over 25 years in high-tech, I have to rely on community health resources. I am treated differently and recently my doctored ordered a hiv/std test for me despite the fact that I’ve been in a monogamous relationship for over twenty years with the mother of my children. I guess they have a big red “SO” label on my file at the clinic. I have stopped going because I feel their behavior is discriminatory and violates HIPPA. I have typical middle age male health problems and would like assistance but not at the sake of being compromised by the system. This is certainly an area that should be reviewed but I don’t think legislators have the stones to take this on. I don’t know where this rates on the priority list of the many aspects of our (290′s) lives that have been negatively impacted. Does anyone have any similar experiences to share?

IF you go to: “leg”, you can “subscribe” to AB 670 to follow its amendment and committee vote process. I would recommend EVERY PERSON INTERESTED in getting the “tiered-registration” law implemented (and made RETROACTIVE EVEN!), should start “e-stalking” the appropriate legislators, as this bill moves along. It appears to be as just a “placeholder” bill now (AB 670 as introduced on 02/21 changes all of ONE word, in PC 290!). Hopefully, significant amendments can be made to get this bill to what is needed, AND PASSED! Please let us on here know how we can help!

AB 702 is a placeholder bill that will be modified to become the tiered registry bill. California RSOL has provided input regarding the contents of that bill, however, we have not yet seen a draft of it. The tiered registry bill is expected to be considered by the Assembly’s Public Safety Committee in March 2013. We will report on the draft bill as soon as it is available. Please be patient.

AB 321 has me very worried, is this moving the enforcement of residency restrictions out of probation officers hands and into all officers. Will RSO’s that have been within 2000 feet of schools/park but not on probation now have the SONAR groups trying to make them move?

Anyone following SB 384? It looks like senator Gaines is looking to change 1203.4, the single world lined out is “or” inside the section that holds out some 290 offences. Is he possibly trying to make is harder to get a 1203.4? Could this group look to change or ammend 1203.4 to provide as a release for 290 registration?