NM: Mass sex offender transfer planned

The state Department of Corrections plans to start moving the first of up to nearly 300 violent or predatory sex offenders to a privately run detention facility in Otero County next month — despite objections from lawmakers. Corrections officials say the move will save money and provide better treatment options for sex offenders “who will be released” at some point. But the plan is drawing fire from key legislators, who question the wisdom of putting 288 predatory sex offenders in what they described as a “county jail.” Full Article

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NJ: 14-Year-Old New Jersey Girl to Register as Sex Offender After Posting Nude Photos on Myspace?

A 14-year-old New Jersey girl is facing child pornography charges for posting almost 30 nude photos of herself on MySpace. If she is convicted, the girl may have to register as a sex offender. According to The Daily News, this case is just one example of a larger effort by law enforcement officials across the country to crack down on child pornography. Prosecutors now routinely bring charges resulting from kids sending nude photos to one another over cell phones and e-mail. This case may be unique in that it is…

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UK: Belfast Giants abandon franchise after owner is revealed as registered sex offender

In January, the Belfast Giants of the Elite Ice Hockey League (U.K.) – yep, the “All I Want For Christmas Is You” franchise – announced that American ____ ____ had purchased the team, as Jim Gillespie sold a stake he had held since 2003. It was supposed to be a new era for the Northern Ireland team. Alas, it was an era that ended only a few weeks later when it was revealed that ____ was actually a registered sex offender in Florida.  ____, who made his money in the…

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OH: Dublin rec center ups screening for sex offenders

People wishing to swim at Dublin’s two pools or exercise at its recreation center will have their names and photos checked against state and national sex-offender registries. If there’s a match, the person won’t be allowed in and Dublin police will be called. The city council, in approving the measure last week, said it is simply one more step toward ensuring the safety of others. Others see it differently. Full Article

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