Lancaster Repeals Sex Offender Ordinance

The Lancaster City Council, in a unanimous vote, repealed virtually all of its sex offender ordinance during a meeting on March 26. This was the second and final vote on that issue.

“California RSOL did what had to be done by challenging an ordinance that violated both the state and federal constitutions,” stated President Janice Bellucci. “The Lancaster ordinance prevented more than 100,000 individuals and their families from visiting public places such as the museum and library as well as private places such as movie theaters and bowling alleys.”

The Lancaster City Council passed the sex offender ordinance on September 11, 2012, despite testimony from California RSOL in opposition to the ordinance and no testimony in its support. California RSOL challenged the ordinance on behalf of three registered citizens and Lancaster residents in federal district court on December 18, 2012.

“It is unfortunate that it took the City of Lancaster more than six months to realize the mistake they made,” stated Frank Lindsay, Treasurer of California RSOL. “We can only hope that all of the cities who have passed similar ordinances will follow the example set by the City of Lake Forest and followed by the City of Lancaster and repeal their ordinances.”


NOTE (added 3/30): The revised ordinance should go into effect 30 days after the final repeal (March 26). You might want to check with the authorities before testing it. 

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This is a huge step. I commend the CIty of Lancaster for making the right decision. Truly. I can only hope now that other cities make the right decision as well. Well done


I wouldn’t say they should be commended for their decision given the fact they were facing litigation. Let’s be realistic here folks, they were forced to repeal this ordinance, they didn’t do it out wisdom and a sense of fair play, and they should be looked upon no differently than the Nazi’s were at the end of WWII. I also think that they will be back with a different approach in the future.

Thank You Janice on behalf of literally hundreds of thousands of people who can now feel a sense of justice by what you have bravely accomplished. This is a monumental landmark in a long and tenuous journey and you have provided relief, inspiration and hope. May we all be compelled to act in whatever capacity we can to coalesce this group, recognize the importance of this cause and forge forward with the examples that Janice and her supporters have set.

Thank you Janice/RSOL and all that made this possible. God bless you for your all your efforts. You don’t know how this victory feels, even though I’m still in parole for almost for more years, I look forward to going running at the parks and having some of my life back, when I finish with parole. I know this victory is just the beginning for many families, God will open more doors through Janice/RSOL, thank you again. We’ll continue praying for you Janice and everybody that has made this possible. 🙂

*Claps* Awesome!


I agree with you wholeheartedly! Thank you Janice and everyone else that has helped to make these little victories happen.

A few years ago I didn’t think we would ever gain any ground back and I was very serious about going militant. Read everything I could get my hands on regarding guerrilla warfare, weapons and most of all how to defend against a police incursion. I just about gave up after 2 parole agents showed up, beating on my door at 6:00 am to check my residency status. I wasn’t even on parole and never had been.

Needless to say, I didn’t answer the door in a cordial manner. I read these guys the riot act and told them to get the F@#%& off my property, which they did without even verifying my information.

After that I felt empowered and now when I do my annual registration, I’m the aggressor.

Congratulations Janice and CaRSOL and thank you so much for all your hard work. We’re seeing results from all your efforts. All the progress you are making will make life better not only for my son when he is released, but also for so many others and their families. I’m proud to be a small part of this effort and to be able to stand with you. I’ve met some pretty special people in the process.

PS. Your side kick, the guy in flip flops, says you need your rest!

Well, one thing a good (my one and only experience) Trial or defense attorney once told me was that you never get anywhere pissing people off! Furthermore, you NEVER underestimate ANYONE! So, I was simply trying to convey the appreciation I have for Lancasters leaders. Intelligent people make intelligent comments. Personally, I really dont want to put into words what I really think about the Cities Leaders, but Ill refrain from this! As the old saying goes: Always keep your friends close, but your enemies closer! Keep that in mind. Anger does nothing for this matter! In addition, I would bet that other city leaders read this web site and perhaps even those in the process of passing the Bill we are hoping will create a Tier System here in CA. Thank you my friends!

Janice, I applaud you and all who have fought this battle with great honor. It’s only the beginning of our continual victories and ultimately reversing these unconstitutional laws. We are becoming a major minority group and deserve our freedom. God bless you all and my prayers will not cease until we succeed.

I Just talked to an associate of mine and he informed me that as of 3/29/13e LA sheriffs dept was still enforcing the rules and restrictions in lancaster that were just repealed. This was told to him by the sheriff dept. Sex offender registration person Dorsey. What I want to know is how this is possible. If a law is repealed isn’t it effective immediately? This woman is fairly new to her position, But how can she. be telling 290’s a law is still in effect when CaRSOL won the case.

Thank you Janice, that clears it up for me completely. I will tell my associate as well.

With the ordinance as it stands, sex offenders are still barred from decorating their he’s for Halloween. I have a question: how can I be held criminally liable if my wife decorates our home? I do not think that vicarious liability or conspiracy laws apply to this issue.